Looking Up Multiple Values for a Keyword Field This procedure will allow the user to lookup an item using a code letter, and appending the result to a keyword field. In this example you could type in the letter "A" and have the text "Aeronautical Engineering" placed in a designated keyword field. You could then type in the letter "B" and have "Board of Directors" appended to the same keyword field preceded by a semicolon. If you are unsure as to whether or not a certain code or description exists in the Lookup Table, you may just type in the new description and have it automatically appended to the keyword field. Add these fields to the database: Keyword Code: as a text field. Collected Keywords: as a multi-line keyword field. Create a lookup table with the codes and put the lookup values in column 1. Enter the following statements on the Program Spec: Keyword Code: >#1:GOTO #2 Collected Keywords: <#2: IF #1 = "" THEN GOTO #3; LOOKUP(#1, 1, #1); IF #2 = "" THEN #2 = #1 ELSE #2 = #2 + ";" + #1; #1 = ""; GOTO #1 Next Field: #3 (This can be any other field) Application: A real estate application could enter codes that describe a residence (i.e. A - Air Conditioning, B - Basement, etc.). Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2119 Page 1 of 1