Searching and Replacing Carriage Returns in Q&A 4.0 If you have need to replace the occurrence of a word or character in a single or multi-line field you would normally use the @REPLACE. In most cases this will work fine. However, if you need to remove carriage returns this could be a problem. Here's an example of the solution for a field call comments. Comments: #10: #10=@replace(#10," "," ") By actually pressing when typing in the formula you will tell Q&A to find something to the effect of; When he came into the office he had not brought the proper paper work with him. We rescheduled the appointment for the following week. And change it to: When he came into the office he had not brought the proper paper work with him. We rescheduled the appointment for the following week. By actually placing a carriage return into the update or programming statement, Q&A will interpret this as an actual carriage return as it would appear in the field. It is treating the same as any other character that you might try to search for. When this method is used you will want to use Expanded field in order to enter the carriage return. When in the field press F-6 to bring up the long value editor. You may now do all you programming and easily enter the necessary carriage return. Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2120 Page 1 of 1