DOS Tips The following are introductory definitions and procedures for using the operating system of your computer which is called DOS. You are in DOS whenever you exit Q&A and are at the A: or B: or C:\> prompt. NOTE: Your computer will only display the prompts like this when you use the DOS prompt command which is explained under AUTOEXEC.BAT below. Otherwise, you will only see A> or B> or C> as the prompt. DEFINITIONS: / forward slash \ back slash A:\> The prompt for drive A B:\> The prompt for drive B C:\> The prompt for drive C (this is your hard disk) C:\QA> This is the QA directory on your C drive C:\QA\DATA> This is the QA directory with a DATA sub directory. CUSTOMER.DTF This is a file named CUSTOMER with the DTF ext. (Filenames can only have an 8 character name and a 3 character extension. This is a DOS limitation.) DIRECTORY LISTING: To list your directories, type: CD This brings you back to the root or main directory. DIR *. * This gives you a listing similar to this: DOS LOTUS QA In this example it lists three directories from the root: DOS, LOTUS, and QA. MAKE DIRECTORY: To create a subdirectory off your root directory, type: MD\QA This will make a directory named QA from the root. Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2406 Page 1 of 4 DOS Tips CHANGE DIRECTORY: To move from one directory to another, type: CD Change directory back to the root directory. CD\QA Change directory from the root to the QA directory. CD\QA\DATA Change directory from the root to the DATA subdirectory located under the QA directory. DELETE A FILE*: DEL CUSTOMER.DTF This deletes only the file named customer.dtf DEL CUSTOMER.* This deletes all files named customer with any extension. The following four files will be deleted if you have such files: CUSTOMER.DTF CUSTOMER.IDX CUSTOMER.DOC CUSTOMER (no extension) RENAME A FILE*: REN CUSTOMER.DOC CLIENTS.DOC This renames the file customer.doc to clients.doc. REN MAILLIST.* SALELIST.* This renames all files named Maillist with any extension to Salelist with the same extension. For example: MAILLIST.DTF will now be SALELIST.DTF MAILLIST.IDX will now be SALELIST.IDX COPY A FILE(S)*: COPY A:CUSTOMER.* C:\QA This will copy the customer file(s) with any ext. from the A drive to the QA directory on the C drive. COPY C:\QA\CUSTOMER.* A: This will copy the customer file(s) with any extension from the QA directory on the C drive to the A: drive. Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2406 Page 2 of 4 DOS Tips COPY A:*.* C:\QA This will copy all files regardless of their names or extensions from the A: drive to the QA directory on the C: drive. COPY C:\QA\CUSTOMER.* C:\QA\DATA This will copy your customer.dtf and customer.idx files from the QA directory to the DATA directory under QA. * NOTE * These procedures can also be done directly in the Q&A product. From the Main Menu choose U-Utilities, D-Dos File Facilities, then choose the appropriate DOS function. Press F1 for help. CONFIG.SYS: This file sets your computer system to the proper configuration to operate various software packages. Q&A 3.0 has provided a utility to check the config.sys file on your system. In the subdirectory with the software files type QAFILES at the C:> prompt. This utility will check the config.sys file and do one of three things: 1) The config.sys file does not exist and will be created 2) The config.sys file exists but needs the statement added files=20. 3) The config.sys file is correct and will be left alone. Now you must reboot your machine so that this config file can be read by your system. AUTOEXEC.BAT: This file contains DOS commands that are read by your system when it is booted. *NOTE* First check to see if you already have an Autoexec.bat file. Type: CD\ TYPE AUTOEXEC.BAT Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2406 Page 3 of 4 DOS Tips If FILE NOT FOUND appears then create one. If other information exists in the Autoexec.bat file then create a new one and include your previous information. The following Autoexec.bat file will display your directories as the top of this document indicates. COPY CON:AUTOEXEC.BAT PROMPT $P$G Press the F6 key Your screen should say 1 file(s) copied. QA.BAT: This file will change directory from the root to the QA directory. Type: CD\ COPY CON:QA.BAT CD\QA QA Press the F6 key Your screen should say 1 file(s) copied. Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2406 Page 4 of 4