Norton Utilities 6.01 & Windows 3.1 Compatibility Tips The Norton Utilities 6.01 is compatible with Windows 3.1 with the following limitations: 1. NCACHE: a) If you are using NCACHE with Windows 3.1 in Standard Mode, you may experience memory conflicts resulting in system lock-ups. Recommendation: We recommend that you configure NCACHE to use extended memory. If you continue to experience problems resulting in error messages, you should turn off the IntelliWrites feature (delayed writes). You can disable Intelliwrites either from NCACHE configuration menu in NUCONFIG.EXE program or by adding the /WRITE=0 switch to the NCACHE line in CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT: in CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\NORTON\NCACHE.EXE /INSTALL /WRITE=0 in AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\NORTON\NCACHE.EXE /INSTALL /WRITE=0 b) If you are using NCACHE with Windows 3.1 in 386 Enhanced Mode and you have elected to enable Windows 3.1's 32-bit disk access, Windows 3.1 and Ncache could attempt to write to the hard disk at the same time, causing unpredictable results. To check the status of the 32-bit disk access, examine the [386Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI file. It will indicate one of the following: 32BitDiskAccess=OFF [32-bit addressing disabled] 32BitDiskAccess=ON [32-bit addressing enabled] Recommendation: We recommend that you use SmartDrive 4.0 if you have enabled Windows 3.1 32-bit disk access. 2. SMARTDRIVE 4.0: a) If you are attempting to use Calibrate with SMARTDRIVE 4.0, Calibrate will issue a "disk mapping" error message and will not run. Recommendation: We recommend that you disable SMARTDRIVE 4.0 before running Calibrate. SMARTDRIVE can be disabled by typing SMARTDRV C- (assuming you hard drive is "C") at the DOS prompt. Norton Application Note Rev. 6/92 #4103 Page 1 of 2 Norton Utilities 6.01 & Windows 3.1 Compatibility Tips b) If you are using NDOS with SMARTDRIVE 4.0, NDOS will wait until SMARTDRIVE writes all cached data to the hard disk before returning your system to the DOS prompt. c) SMARTDRIVE 4.0, as with any cache that employs delayed writes, should be permitted to write any data remaining in its buffers before you reboot your system. Recommendation: For safe operation, you should flush the cache buffers by typing, SMARTDRIVE /C at the DOS prompt before rebooting. 3. DISK MONITOR: If you use graphics application, such as Windows 3.1, Disk Monitor cannot pop up a dialog box to inform you of any writing attempts to protected areas. However, Disk Monitor will beep to inform you of an unauthorized write. Recommendation: You should make a batch file to turn off Disk Monitor, start the application, then resume Disk Monitor. Here is a sample Windows batch file: DISKMON /PROTECT- (turns off all disk protection) WIN (starts Windows) DISKMON /PROTECT+ (turns on disk protection) 4. Erase Protect: If Erase Protect is configured to protect all files and there is no limit on the size of TRASHCAN and you are using a Temporary Swap file with Windows 3.1, it is possible to run out of disk space on your hard drive. Recommendation: Configure Erase Protect to exclude files with the following extensions: *.SWP *.TMP and limit the size of TRASHCAN to 2048K. Norton Application Note Rev. 6/92 #4103 Page 2 of 2