Solutions to Common Printing Problems FONTS ARE PRINTING JAGGED When your fonts print with jagged edges in JustWrite, it is usually because the "graphics resolution" is not set properly for your printer. To check this, go to File, Printer Setup, and click the "setup" button. On this screen, set your printer's graphics resolution to the highest possible setting (300 dpi for a laser printer). JOBS ARE PRINTING SLOW Most Windows users don't realize that Windows is controlling the actual printing of your job through it's print spooler, Print Manager. Because Windows is a multi-tasking environment, if you are doing something else at the same time you are printing something, the print job will take longer because Windows has to divide its processing time between two things at once. You can, however, set a higher priority for the Print Manager. Just go to the Print Manager window, choose Options, and then choose the priority setting you want (try high priority). THIRD PARTY WINDOWS FONTS DON'T SHOW UP ON LIST IN JUSTWRITE JustWrite has the ability to copy the Windows printer driver locally, so that when you make changes to the setup (like changing from Portrait to Landscape) it only affects that document, and not your global Windows setup. Therefore, when you add a font program to Windows, it is attaching information to the Windows printer driver, which JustWrite must re-read to obtain the new font information. To get JustWrite to re-read your printer information, go to File, Printer Setup, and unselect the current driver (by selecting a different driver from the list), click OK, then go back to File, Printer Setup, and re-select the old driver. WINDOWS 2.0 PRINTER DRIVER MESSAGE Sometimes in JustWrite you might get the message "The driver for this printer is for Windows 2.0. Changes to its settings will be global." Microsoft Corporation did not change many of their drivers when going from Windows 2.0 to 3.0. JustWrite is smart enough to know the difference between the drivers. This message does not mean that anything is wrong, it just means that any changes you make on the Setup screen will be global, because we can't copy the 2.0 drivers locally (see explanation in previous paragraphs). JustWrite Application Note Rev. 6/92 #5105 Page 1 of 1