After Squeezing And Deleting .WK1 Or .WK3 Worksheets, WYSIWYG's .FMT And .FM3 Files Have Disappeared If you are using Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.3 or 3.1x and you have just squeezed a WYSIWYG-formatted spreadsheet from .WK1 to .WK! or from .WK3 to .W3!, do NOT erase your .WK1 or .WK3 files from within 1-2-3. (The SQZ!/Outliner manual, shipped with some 1-2-3 2.3 or 3.1x packages, INCORRECTLY states that you can safely erase your WYSIWYG-formatted .WK1 or .WK3 files from within 1-2-3). If WYSIWYG is attached, it will detect that you are erasing the .WK1 or .WK3 file and therefore erase the corresponding .FMT or .FM3 file. WYSIWYG does this to prevent meaningless ("orphaned") .FMT or .FM3 files from cluttering up your hard disk. WYSIWYG does not "know" that SQZ!'s .WK! or .W3! files have replaced their unsqueezed .WK1 or .WK3 counterparts. There are two different ways to avoid this problem... 1. From within 1-2-3, detach the WYSIWYG Add-In BEFORE deleting .WK1 or .WK3 files. This way, WYSIWYG is not present and therefore cannot cause problems. 2. Quit 1-2-3 and then delete the .WK1 or .WK3 files at a DOS prompt. This way, the WYSIWYG .FMT or .FM3 file will stay "mated" to the SQZ! .WK! or .W3! equivalent. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact SQZ! Technical Support. SQZ! Application Note Rev. 6/92 #7104 Page 1 of 1