Problems Attaching The SQZ.ADN Add-In File In Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.x If you get a "SQZ! Add-In File Error" message when trying to attach the SQZ.ADN Add-In file in Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.x, you are probably typing the "123" command from a DOS subdirectory other than the actual 1-2-3 subdirectory. Adding the Lotus 1-2-3 directory to your DOS path statement will not fix the problem. By virtue of the way that SQZ! is designed, the SQZ.ADN Add-In file must be in the subdirectory at which you type "123" to start Lotus 1-2-3 2.x. Until this problem is addressed in a future version of SQZ!, we suggest two workarounds. 1. Copy the SQZ.ADN Add-In file into any subdirectory in which you want to type "123". If you plan to start 1-2-3 from more than three separate places, we suggest you perform step 2 instead. The more places you copy the SQZ.ADN Add-In file, the more disk space is taken up, therefore partially negating the purpose of SQZ (to save disk space). 2. Install the SQZ.ADN Add-In file in your 1-2-3 subdirectory. Then create a DOS batch file named 123.BAT and place it in one of the subdirectories designated in your DOS path statement. 123.BAT's ultimate purpose is to start up 1-2-3, but it will also make sure that the SQZ.ADN Add-In file gets loaded in an efficient manner. The first line in the batch file should change you to the 1-2-3 subdirectory. The second line should launch 1-2-3. For instance... 123.BAT Ä CD\123 123 If you are still experiencing problems attaching the SQZ.ADN Add-In file, please contact SQZ! Technical Support. SQZ! Application Note Rev. 6/92 #7107 Page 1 of 1