Information On 4Views, 4Word, Cambridge Spreadsheet Analyst, MacSQZ!, Note-It, Note-It Plus, And Spellin! Over time, Symantec has continued to develop and update its product line. As some products are approved for further development and release, other software packages are unfortunately either sold or discontinued. Of Symantec's spreadsheet enhancement software offered thus far, two remain part of our current product line: SQZ! and The Budget Express. Other spreadsheet enhancement software packages, such as 4Views, 4Word, Cambridge Spreadsheet Analyst, MacSQZ!, Note-It, Note-It Plus, and Spellin!, are no longer part of Symantec's product line. The sections below detail the status of these software packages. Cambridge Spreadsheet Analyst and Spellin! Intex Solutions of Needham, Massachusetts has purchased Cambridge Spreadsheet Analyst and Spellin! and now develops, publishes, and supports these packages. Information about and technical support for Cambridge Spreadsheet Analyst and Spellin! can be obtained by calling Intex Solutions at (617) 449-6222. 4Views, 4Word, MacSQZ!, Note-It, and Note-It Plus Symantec has discontinued development and publishing of 4Views, 4Word, MacSQZ!, Note-It, and Note-It Plus. Because they have not been produced for years, Symantec no longer offers technical support for 4Views, 4Word, MacSQZ!, Note-It, and Note-It Plus. Symantec welcomes any comments or suggestions about our current and former products. If you would like to offer your input or interest, please contact Symantec Spreadsheet Enhancements Technical Support at (617) 275-4800. SQZ! Application Note Rev. 6/92 #7112 Page 1 of 1