Zip version 2.0, Copyright 1992 by Access Success. ZIP returns zip and area codes when given a city or state--with quick and easy operation from the DOS prompt. Reverse searches can also be done. The program is generally distributed as two archive files, having base names of ZIP20#1 and ZIP20#2. If these archives were produced with the PKZIP utility (Copyright by Phil Katz), then the .ZIP file extension will follow the base names. Similarity between the names of these programs is coincidental: one refers to zip code look-ups, the other to an archival method. When uncompressed, the archives release the following files: README.TXT -- This file. ZIP.TXT -- The documentation file in ASCII text format. ZIP.EXE -- The executable file, compiled in the Clipper 5.01 programming language. ZIP.BAT -- An optional batch file to run the program if not on the search path. ZIP.DBF -- A database file in DBASE format, containing 42,501 records of city, state, zip, and area code combinations in the U.S. HISTORY.TXT -- A history of the ZIP program in ASCII text format. FILE_ID.DIZ -- A file recognized by some electronic bulletin board systems, containing a description of this program.