UFTN+UFTN+UFTN+UFTN+UFTN+UFTN+UFTN+UFTN+UFTN+UFTN+UFTN+UFTN Think of the UFTN a a giant digital 'magazine' with a continuous number of pages and an expanding number of contributors. Pages of the 'magazine' are faxed to you regularly. You inject your own contributions into the magazine, and the other members spread your contributions by re- faxing your pages. Here is how it works: In the UFTN, the MEMBERS have RESPONSIBILITIES in order to keep up a steady FLOW of FAXES. Members of the UFTN NOMINATE NEW MEMBERS so that only the BEST PEOPLE JOIN the network - people who will PARTICIPATE, and fax the best faxes. The INVITATION has your STAMP on it so that your NOMINEE can return your fax and receive his MEMBERSHIP KIT. Nominees must FAX BACK to you so that you can know whether they want to join or not; the NOMINATION SHEET is 1/2 A4 size to save you time and money on calls. The LIST of MEMBER NUMBERS is sent to the NEW MEMBERS so they can start to participate AT ONCE. You must transmit SHEETS OF MATERIAL that can be ANYTHING YOU LIKE, the DISCRETION is yours. If you think you've found somthing, and it will FIT into your machine - fax it! You must TRANSMIT this material to ONE other member so that they in turn may RE-TRANSMIT your material to ONE ADDITIONAL member. This way your TRANSMISSION will SPREAD through ALL of the members in a matter of DAYS; in the SAME WAY that the FLU spreads amongst millions of people in a matter of weeks. The HIT LIST is sent ALONG with your original transmission so that no member receives your fax more than ONCE. Your original PAGES are STAMPED with your UFTN STAMP so that YOUR NUMBER will be SPREAD throughout the NETWORK. As it is re-transmitted, YOUR NUMBER will be COLLECTED by other members, ENSURING that you RECEIVE a WIDE VARIETY of material. You must RE-TRANSMIT material so that the original faxes SENT OUT by the members are RECEIVED by OTHER MEMBERS; REMEMBER how the FLU SPREADS - if EVERYONE gives it to another person, thousands will have it in a matter of HOURS. The SAME is true for UFTN FAXES. You add the NUMBERS that you are RE-TRANSMITTING TO to the HIT LIST to make sure that no-one else faxes to the numbers you have ALREADY FAXED. As the NETWORK SPREADS the numbers of NEW members will not always be MADE KNOWN to you AT ONCE - this is why you must COLLECT ALL UNFAMILIAR NUMBERS as and when they appear on your fax. In this way you will be abe to GROW A HUGE LIST of members from which you can fax. The RUBBER STAMP is a CONVENIENT way to MARK your material. Find a maker of of rubber stamps, and fax the the ART for a quote. When they reply post them the ORIGINAL with YOUR NUMBER set in LARGE TYPE, so that it will REPRODUCE CLEARLY. The FAX NUMBER that you set in the HEXAGONS must have the COUNTRY CODE AND AREA CODE because the UFTN stretches across INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES, and EVERYONE must know how to DIAL your number EXACTLY, NO MATTER where they are. THE MEMBERSHIP NUMBER is used to identify WHEN you come into the network. IF YOU WISH TO JOIN THE UFTN, YOU MUST FAX BACK TO THE NUMBER ON THE INVITATION YOU RECIEVED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. THE FAX YOU SEND MUST BEAR YOUR RUBBRE STAMP. YOU WILL THEN BE SENT THE LIST OF MEMBERS, SO THAT YOU MAY BEGIN PARTICIPATION. COPYRIGHT UFTN 1990. UFTN #1=44713514858