Visage: Approach and Methodology Document image management is a computer application that can be implemented in many different ways and on many different platforms. Like many other applications, the method of implementation and chosen platform is a function of user requirements and budget constraints. DIDC is presenting Visage LITE as a way for users and developers to try out this exciting technology in a simple and straight forward manner and with the lowest possible financial investment. The document image management techniques used by Visage are sophisticated and reliable. In many ways they match or surpass those of commercial systems requiring a huge investment in software and equipment. It is not a "PICTURE VIEWER" program. It is not a program to scan 24 bit color photos into your desktop publishing application. Visage is about processing documents. Its purpose is to capture and manage paper work of any kind. DIDC has chosen to offer a program and API which will operate on most PCs using standard VGA display systems and the popular and low cost Hewlett-Packard ScanJet series. It's no speed demon, but it works. Visage LITE will allow you to learn about document image management and design and implement useful applications. You can easily prototype and test applications which can be implemented on higher end platforms. The program puts you in control by letting you use any interface you want. In effect, it acts as an image server to your database application. All you need to decide is how you want to interface to Visage, we do the rest. For example, there are three different ways to invoke and create a data link with Visage: 1. Programmed function call- If you have an application which can link C or Pascal object modules (such as Microsft C, Borland C, Clipper, etc.), placing just one function call in your program will invoke all of the services of Visage. For example; DIDC_Call_Menu(DATABASE,KEYVALUE,0,''); tells Visage to create an image data link using a key field value you provide. It then swaps into active memory with a pulldown menu providing all its imaging services. 2. Command line interface- Visage can be invoked by its command line utility IMGCALLS.EXE to create the same data link as above. This may be simply done at the DOS prompt or under program control by any application that supports a RUN command (Dbase III-IV, FoxPro, Clarion, etc.). For example, the following psuedo code; C:\> IMGCALLS 3 DATABASE KEYVALUE 0 or RUN ("IMGCALLS 3 DATABASE"+" "+KEYVALUE+" "+"0") tells Visage to create an image data link using a key field value you provide. It then swaps into active memory with a pulldown menu providing all its imaging services. 3. Pop-up mode- Visage can be activated from any application by using its own hot key. It will read a value from your screen and use it as its data link. All you need do is provide a simple ASCII file with the name of the field label you want to use. For example; placing the label "CLIENTNUM:" (no quotes) in a file named VISAGE.KEY and pressing CTRL-F1 from within your program, creates a data/image link of 1001 when the following data entry screen is active: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º CLIENTNUM: 1001 DATE: 04/30/92 º º º º NAME: Bill Clinton º º º º Project: Damage control º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ However you create your image/data link, Visage autmatically sets up its own image records and index which keeps track of scanned images, which data they are related to and where they are located on your media (magnetic or optical). Visage contains all the routines to capture (from your scanner), retrive, display and print your document images. You do not need to code any of these functions. Just load Visage and call it when you need it. If we have peaked your interest at this point, you may try Visage by looking for VLITE10.ZIP (or higher version, i.e. VLITE11) on EXEC-PC or the Nantucket forum on Compuserve (GO NANFORUM, Programming library). For a small handling fee, you may write, call or Fax DIDC for a copy of the latest version. Document Image Development Corp. 270 Lafayette Street, Suite 1008 New York, New York 10012 Voice: (212) 431-4084 Fax: (212) 431-4109