What's new with ESC April 25, 1992 04:00 ESC will now configure for both Msged and Golded. Use of either one can be toggled after initial configuration also. AREAS feature will now permit internet type message groups to be installed into the system. NEWAREA attempts to make the file name of squish areas unique by using the first and last four letters of the area name as the squish file name. April 18, 1992 07:10 XAREA.EXE is no longer used. Area removal is accomplished from NEWAREA.EXE. The command line switch is handled in the MAIL MENU batch file as NEWAREA /x. If you are upgrading to v.1.3p, you may remove XAREA.EXE from your mail directory. A third submenu has been added for just the SQUISH message area maintenance and for the BONK 1.17 nodelist editor. You can make entries, removals and/or edits to your private nodelist. Just be sure to run PARSELST afterwards. April 11, 1992 06:16 SETTING AREA MESSAGE LIMITS There is an option from the 2nd menu presented when you type MAIL at your Dos prompt. The SETSIZE option allows you to define exactly how many messages are allowed for an individual area. Initially, ESC offers a global static value which limits all areas to 200 messages. However, you may alter individual limits after ESC has created its MAIL menu system. To explain a little more in detail, some areas do not need to take up much room on your drive because of light traffic through them. Therefore allowing a limit of 200 messages in those areas would be a waste of space. On the other hand, some echoes may require a high limit due to the amount of messages which can be received in a short period of time. Because you don't want your oldest messages to be dropped off the end before you have had a chance to read them, you may wish to set a high message limit for such an area. With SETSIZE you simply choose the option and follow the prompts. * 2.3 BONK AND THE ESC NODELIST Bonk is a nodelist (fidonet system address lookup list) utility created by Tom Kashuba. As a dual faceted program, it allows you to somewhat visually manipulate the contents of your outbound directory as well as permit you to view and make changes to your nodelist. Unfortunately, Bonk version 1.74 is restricted to the version 7 nodelist for manipulation. Version 1.17 was for a version 6 nodelist. This is what ESC creates for a minimal setup. Both BONK_117.ZIP and BONK_174.ZIP are available from this system. Once again, BONK version 1.17 is required for the ESC nodelist. However, with a little understanding, you should be able to edit the NODELIST.001 with a text editor and then compile it with PARSELST. Please be certain to retain the control Z at the end of the NODELIST.001! April 8, 1992 06:31 ESC's MAIL menu system is in three modules. A DIRECT mailer mode is available from the first menu. This allows a POINT to send directly to another system as long as they have them in their nodelist. April 5, 1992 10:45p ESC.EXE - creates the MAIL.BAT with a new feature for the SQUISH menu. It's called SETSIZE. It alows the user to set the static message level for each base without using a text editor. A -s switch has been added to the Newarea.exe command line. NEWAREA.EXE - has been updated to allow the static message level setting. One of Squish's many attractive features. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: You must copy the new esc.exe and newarea.exe into your mailer directory. You then have to have ESC re-write the MAIL.BAT file for the new item to appear in the squish section. April 4, 1992 09:13a ESC.EXE - creates the MAIL.BAT with a new feature from the SQUISH menu. It's called LSTAREA. It simply calls the NEWAREA.EXE with a -l switch to scan and list the message areas found in the SQUISH. CFG.. NEWAREA.EXE - as stated above. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Simply copy the ESC.EXE and NEWAREA.EXE into your mailer directory, run ESC.EXE, choose the Write option and tag the Mail.Bat file from the picklist window. Go to * FINISHED * and press ENTER. Your mailer is now updated.. CAUTION: If you have customized the SQUISH Maintenance features, these are the areas which deal with SQPack SQFix SQSet etc., You will loose these edits. Currently ESC cannot parse that level of the bat file. Please take precautions if this is your case. ***************************************************************