INSTALFN.EXE by Ron Pierce An Installation Utility for FeatherNet BBS ============================================ Intro ----- Instalfn.exe is primarily designed for the first time FeatherNet Sysop. It will unzip the bbs files and place them into the directory you specify to run the bbs from. It will create the "SR.BAT" file which control bbs operation with the correct paths and comm port info for the BNU fossil driver. If you desire to use another fossil driver then replace the BNU commands with those required by your fossil driver of choice. Instalfn creates various other batch files needed by the bbs as well. It edits the srconfig, sigdata, and dirlist1 files to conform to your specified bbs home directory (where to place all bbs files). Operation --------- 1. You *MUST* run instalfn.exe from the drive & directory on which the FeatherNet bbs archives are now located. 2. To run instalfn.exe just type in 'instalfn' and press ENTER. 3. The first prompt asks you to "Enter path to place all bbs files?" This is where you want to run the bbs from. It is also the location of the bbs HOME directory (become familiar with that term). 4. The second prompt asks you "Is this an initial installation?" If you are a new FeatherNet sysop or if you wish to completely re-install the bbs files answer "Y". Otherwise enter "N". 5. The third prompt asks you to "Enter the COMM PORT # to use (1-4)?" Enter the serial port (comm port) you will be using to operate the bbs with. This is normally "1" or "2". 6. After entering the above information you will witness plenty of drive action going on. The installation will take a minute or two depending upon your system and drive speed. 7. Once instalfn is done, you MUST run FNCFG.EXE and verify all configuration information especially the paths specified in the configuration. Ron Pierce