LastMail Run! LastMail Run is copyright by C.A. Norton, CANNED Software Co. This is a quick 'fix' for making a last mail run bulletin when using POSTLINK(tm) Software. This small utility is released as 'FREEWARE' it is not public domain, I reserve all rights to the software. I wrote this basically for my own use, but thought that others might benefit. It was not designed to be the 'perfect' software. It serves a purpose! I'm not planning any formal support of this software. I'm too busy to devote time to marketing and improving on this design. The purpose of this small program was to fill a void until the authors of other, much better utilities, had time to modify their work for use with POSTLINK(tm) software. Since this is the intention of this software, you may use it freely without any need to register it. Of course, if you like it, you can send me a message saying thanks. Use of 'LASTMR.EXE' is very simple. It creates a PCB type bulletin, using @codes. Postlink(tm) can be configured to print a LASTTIME.TXT file (just a PCRelay did) by adding the following to the POSTLINK.CFG file: LASTTIME.TXT=YES I'm not sure if case is significant in the configuration file, so I would suggest ALL CAPS! This line can be anywhere in the postlink.cfg file. After each successful mail transfer postlink will update the LASTTIME.TXT file with date and time of the last successful transfer. Lastmr.exe requires a small configuration file. In this file (see sample below) are the COMPLETE PATH and FILENAME pointing to the LASTTIME.TXT file, the COMPLETE PATH and FILENAME pointing to the bulletin to create. The top border, bottom border and text colors. Sample configuration file: Line 1: H:\POSTLINK\LASTTIME.CFG Line 2: C:\PCB\GEN\BLT5 Line 3: @X01 Line 4: @X01 Line 5: @X0A Line 1: Is the COMPLETE Path/filename to the lasttime.txt file generated by the Postlink software. Line 2: Is the COMPLETE Path/filename to the bulletin file to create. Line 3: The PCBoard(tm) color codes (consult the documentation from CDC for examples) for the top border. Line 4: Color codes for bottom border. Line 5: Color codes for the line of text (taken from lasttime.txt). LastMR is executed as follows: lastmr /* Lastmr.cfg MUST BE in current directory */ lastmr j:\anydir\yourname.cfg In the first case, a configuration file (described above) must reside in the CURRENT directory, if no command line option is added LastMR looks for a configuration file named: LASTMR.CFG In the second case LastMR looks in YOURNAME.CFG located in J:\ANYDIR for the necessary information to run. That's it (I told you it was a NO FRILLS Program!), as far as problems.... it works for me ! Messages can be addressed to: CA Norton on RIME: at (#903) or ->VBPHOENIX on INTERNET: or :