Net Page Sysop Paging Program for Netware This program is basically a quick and dirty combination of the Ryu COM library and the Ryu IPX/SPX library. More shall be forthcoming. Background Channel D, my BBS, has multiple lines running on Novell Netware, version 3.10. The nodes that control the phone lines do not have speakers, monitors, floppies or keyboards (eg. they are dirt cheap). I control the BBS nodes by using LanSig t (an applica- tion that I heartily recommend). The problem I have is simple. Because I do not constant y moni- tor the nodes and they are just sitting out in the garage on a rack, there is no way to page me. For most of my user base, that is no problem, but there are some that deserve a little help. I decided to come up with a little program to solve this dilemma. The Solution Net Page allows a node to send a broadcast message to the system console. It will work with any BBS that can generate either a DORINFO1.DEF file or a DOOR.SYS file. Net Page's command line syntax is as follows: net_page For example, in order to send a page from line 3 with a DORINFO1.DEF file that is in directory \BBS\LINE3\, the following command line would be used: net_page \bbs\line3\dorinfo1.def 3 Net Page can be run using RemoteAccess's command 7 (run program in a shell). As an example, I keep NET_PAGE.EXE in a directory called \BBS\APPLICAT\PAGE, and just for yucks I want to use a DOOR.SYS file instead of DORINFO1.DEF, my opti n line is some- thing like this: \bbs\applicat\net_page.exe door.sys *N *D Conclusion Try it and see if it works for you. I would appreciate any feedback. I can be reached at 916/722-1939 (voice) or n Chan- nel D BBS at: 916/722-1984, 916/722-1985, or 916/722-7223 all 9600v.42 Rahner James AKA Alexander Waverley