Tournament BBS Backgammon SysOp Instructions Welcome to Tournament BBS Backgammon written by Joe W Mahurin using door routines by Scott Baker Disclaimer: Joe W Mahurin shall in no way be held responsible for any damage incurred from the use or misuse of Tournament BBS Backgammon. By using Tournament BBS Backgammon the user assumes ALL responsibility for damage incurred. No warranty, either assumed or implied is given. Registration Benefits: If this is an unregistered version of Tournament BBS Backgammon then the maximum games that can be played is 10 games. In the registered version up to 99 games can be played. Please support shareware and register this game! List of files: Backgame.exe The door program. Backgame.ctl Created by Setup. Door control file. Make sure you only edit this file with the SETUP utility. Setup.exe Fast and easy setup utility, writes all the control and configuration files. Sysop.txt This file. Brules.txt List of Backgammon rules for users. Bnstruct.txt Tournament BBS Backgammon Door Instructions. History.txt List of bug fixes and revision history. Register.frm Registration form. Backgame.gam Created by SETUP. Contains a master list of games being played. DO NOT edit this file. Backgame.sco Created by SETUP. Contains all player scores. BgameX.gam The individual games. DO NOT edit this file. Backgame.key The Tournament BBS Backgammon registration file recieved from the author. Installing Tournament BBS Backgammon: 1...Create a directory for your backgammon game. Unarchive your copy into your newly created directory. 2...Enter your newly created directory and type SETUP at the DOS prompt. 3...Follow the SETUP instructions. When finished enter a 'Q' to exit SETUP and save the information that you entered. 4...The installation process in now complete. Tournament BBS Backgammon SysOp Instructions - 4 Parameters: /L Run Backgammon in local mode. /S Run Backgammon in sysop fast mode. Only difference between this and local mode is that /S does not ask the SysOp for his name. /M Run system maintenance. /Nx Where x is the node number Backgammon is run from. At this point Tournament BBS Backgammon does not support multi node. /Pn Where n is the path to your BBS. This is where Backgammon will look for your file to tell it the name of the caller. Tournament BBS Backgammon SysOp Instructions - 5 Running Tournament BBS Backgammon: Most Bulletin Board Systems call the door game up from a batch file. You may create a batch file to call up this door game. Include the following lines: Backgame /p c:\bbs Where c:\bbs is the path to your BBS. System Maintenace: I highly recommend that you run system maintenance once a day. System maintence can be run by the following command: Backgame /m Tournament BBS Backgammon SysOp Instructions - 6 Registration: Registration fee is $15.00. As Tounament BBS Backgammon gets more and more complicated and more features are added the price will probably go up. Fill out the registration form and mail to: Joe W Mahurin 2403 Bruce Avenue NBU #99 Tucson AZ 85708-1313 Possible future features: Multi-Node operation. An actual tournament module that allows the sysop to run hands off tournaments. InterBBS play.