DataMail Sysop's Manual Version 1.1 WC30-1 WildCat! 3.0 Addendum ====================================================================== Prior to installing DataMail on your WildCat! 3.0 system, please take a moment to ensure that the following is true about your WC setup: - MAKEWILD.DAT and SECLEVEL.DAT must be in the same directory. They will usually be located in C:\WC30, but if not, that's OK as long as they are together in the same directory. - Run MAKEWILD and check your path to your Users file (the path to ALLUSERS.DAT). It must include a full Drive:\Path\. If it says something like "DATA\", then that's not good enough. Change it to something like "C:\WC30\DATA\", or wherever it is located. Without the full Drive:\Path\ designation, DMUSRBLD will be unable to locate your ALLUSERS.DAT file. Also note: DataMail uses numerical security levels. WildCat! uses both numerics and text, and you normally assign a "text" security level to each Caller. These text-based security levels are equated (in SECLEVEL.DAT) with something WildCat! refers to as "Menu Access Levels". Menu Access Levels are numerical in nature, and these are the numerical security levels which will be used by DataMail whenever it needs security level information. VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you want DataMail to reflect the proper numerical security levels for your Callers, DO NOT ALTER THE MENU ACCESS LEVELS FOR ANY GIVEN TEXT-BASED SECURITY LEVEL. If, however, you must make alterations, then: 1. After doing so, delete DM010000.KEY/DAT 2. Run DMUSRBLD immediately to rebuild the Users Database. This will result in DataMail knowing what the "new" numerical values are for each User. In general, once you have established what "NEWUSER", etc., means in terms of Menu Access Levels, do not change it. However, if you must, remember to delete and rebuild DM010000.KEY/DAT after doing so. Please note that this is NOT referring to whether or not a Caller of security level "NEWUSER" can access certain message base or file areas; it refers only to the overall numerical security level assigned to that text-based security level (for "NEWUSER", the default is 10). Installation: Step 1 ==================== First, you should decide what disk and subdirectories you will be using. I recommend subdirectories \DATAMAIL and \DATAMAIL\FILES on whatever drive you have the most available space. \DATAMAIL is where you will install the software; \DATAMAIL\FILES is where your Users' files will be stored when they upload. Go ahead and establish those directories now. For example purposes, I will assume you have chosen D:\DATAMAIL and D:\DATAMAIL\FILES. DataMail WC30-2 Version 1.1 Sysop's Manual WildCat! 3.0 Addendum ====================================================================== Make D:\DATAMAIL your default Drive:\Directory by typing D: and then CD \DATAMAIL. Into D:\DATAMAIL, unpack the contents of DMEXES.EXE, DMXFER.EXE, and DMDATA.EXE. Next unpack DMWC30.EXE into D:\DATAMAIL. Check the contents of D:\DATAMAIL. You should have: DATAMAIL.EXE DataMail Door Program DMCONFIG.EXE DataMail Configuration Program DMUTIMSG.EXE DataMail UTI Message Formatter/Invocation DMREPORT.EXE DataMail Database Reporter DMCHECK.EXE Determines if any Downloads Waiting DMUSRBLD.EXE User Database Builder/File Purge DM01CDB.DBD Database Definition File DM010005.KEY Skeleton Database Key file, Global Parms DM010005.DAT Skeleton Database Data file, Global Parms DM010006.KEY Skeleton Database Key file, Sec-Levels DM010006.DAT Skeleton Database Data file, Sec-Levels DMXFER1.BAT Sample File-Transfer Batch file 1 DMXFER2.BAT Sample File-Transfer Batch file 2 DMXFER3.BAT Sample File-Transfer Batch file 3 DMXFER4.BAT Sample File-Transfer Batch file 4 DMXFER5.BAT Sample File-Transfer Batch file 5 DMXFERS.TXT Sample User-Prompts for File-Transfers Now, run DMCONFIG. First, you need to define the Path and Filename for your BBS software's Master File. Select Configure Global Parameters, and then BBS User File. Type in the complete Drive, Path, and Filename of MAKEWILD.DAT. This will be C:\WC30\MAKEWILD.DAT for most WildCat! 3.0 installations, although you may be using a different Drive: or \Path\. However, the filename to use is definitely MAKEWILD.DAT. Now, return to the entry menu for DMCONFIG. Select Rebuild User DataBase. This should trigger DMUSRBLD to execute. For now, ignore the Warning that DMUSRBLD displays about not supplying a Node number. Note: DMUSRBLD should exit with a return code of zero. If it does not, you are either using the wrong DMUSRBLD.EXE program for your BBS software, you mistyped the Drive, Path, and Filename to your Master File in the previous step, or you do not have enough memory. In the latter case, you can exit DMCONFIG and run DMUSRBLD by itself, but you are going to have problems getting DATAMAIL.EXE to run if you don't have enough memory for just the DMCONFIG and DMUSRBLD programs. In either of the former cases, exit DMCONFIG and, if they exists, delete the files DM010000.KEY/.DAT. Then locate the proper DMUSRBLD.EXE program for your BBS software, and make sure you have everything in D:\DATAMAIL. Make sure that D:\DATAMAIL is your default Drive and Directory. Then repeat these last two steps (specifying the Drive:\Path\Filename of MAKEWILD.DAT and running DMUSRBLD). DataMail Sysop's Manual Version 1.1 WC30-3 WildCat! 3.0 Addendum ====================================================================== Do not get discouraged if DMUSRBLD takes a while to run. Under normal circumstances, DM010000.KEY/.DAT are only "refreshed", and the process is very quick. However, the initial creation of DM010000.KEY/.DAT can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, depending upon how many Users you have and how fast/slow your CPU and hard drive is. DM010000.KEY/.DAT only needs to be recreated whenever you mark Users as locked-out, deleted, reduce their security to 0, or "pack" your ALLUSERS.DAT File. Day-to-day operation only requires a "refresh" of DM010000.KEY/.DAT, and this process is much faster that a complete rebuild of the files. Now, exit DMCONFIG and run DMREPORT 1. That's "DMREPORT 1". Make sure you specify the "1" after "DMREPORT". You should see a 2-up listing of your Users and their security levels. If things look correct, you have finished the first phase of installation. If you get garbage, or names and security levels don't align properly in their columns, you have a problem. Delete DM010000.KEY/.DAT, make certain you are using the correct DMUSRBLD.EXE program for your BBS software, and that you have specified the full Drive:\Path\Filename to your BBS's Master File. Installation: Step 2 ==================== You have just completed the first major hurdle in getting DataMail setup. The next step is to decide how many transfer protocols you wish to allow (maximum 5 each for upload & download), and what you will call the batch files that handle these transfers. I recommend batch files DMXFER1.BAT through DMXFER5.BAT, but you can call them anything you like. You must also decide where on your system you will place these batch files. You can place them on any drive in any directory, but it will be much easier if you place them in D:\DATAMAIL with the rest of your DataMail files. Note that the sample batch files (DMXFERx.BAT), DMXFERS.TXT, and the contents of DM010005.KEY/.DAT for file-transfers are already set- up to handle Zmodem, Zmodem MobyTurbo, HyperP, Xmodem, and Ymodem-G. If these are the protocols you want to use, then you may skip this step. Otherwise, please continue reading... Run DMCONFIG once more. Select the Alter Global Parameters, and then, in turn, each of the five Batch File Transfer options (options 5 through 9). NOTE: to keep the command-line arguments to under 128 bytes when these batch files are executed, I recommend NOT putting a full Drive:\Path\ specifier in front of the batch filenames IF you are going to put those batch files in D:\DATAMAIL. If you place your batch files in some other directory, you need to specify the complete Drive: and \Path\ to those files, along with the filenames. DataMail WC30-4 Version 1.1 Sysop's Manual WildCat! 3.0 Addendum ====================================================================== If you do not wish to support all five possible protocols, enter the literal NONE for the ones you do not want supported. For example, if you do not wish to have but three protocols available, enter NONE for options four and five. NOTE: In this example, you could just as easily enter NONE for any two of the five options (say, two and four), but you will probably find it much easier if you place your unused protocols at the bottom of the available five, and place your usable protocols at the top of the available five. Now, exit DMCONFIG and start your text editor. Locate file DMXFERS.TXT and edit it under the following rules: 1) No line my exceed 77 characters in length. 2) There must be at least ten lines, even if some are blank. 3) Odd-numbered lines are for Download Protocols 1 through 5 4) Even-numbered lines are for Upload Protocols 1 through 5 5) The text on each line should describe the Protocol type. Here's an example. Suppose you have run DMCONFIG and only specified three active protocols, and those are 1, 2, and 3. You configured protocols 4 and 5 as "NONE". Let's say your choices for 1 through 3 are DMXFER1.BAT, DMXFER2.BAT, and DMXFER3.BAT. Each of these handles ZMODEM, XMODEM, and YMODEM, respectively. Your resulting DMXFERS.TXT file could look like: ZMODEM w/ crash recovery, 32-bit CRC ZMODEM 32-bit CRC XMODEM CRC XMODEM CRC YMODEM YMODEM not used not used not used not used This is how DataMail uses DMXFERS.TXT: During a download, DataMail only looks at lines 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. During an upload, DataMail only looks at lines 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Further, DataMail will only examine any of the 5 lines it looks at, if and only if, you have specified something other than "NONE" for each of the protocols available in DMCONFIG. Lines 1&2 are for your first batch file. Lines 3&4 are for your second, etc. In the above example, the literals "not used" are not of any importance. Since you told DMCONFIG that protocols 4 & 5 use a batch file called "NONE" (i.e., you do not want to support protocols 4 & 5), DataMail will not display lines 7&9 or 8&10 to the User. So the contents of lines 7 through 10 are unimportant, AS LONG AS THERE IS SOMETHING THERE - EVEN IF IT'S JUST BLANKS. You must have at least 10 lines in DMXFERS.TXT. More than 10 is OK (extra lines are never read), but under 10 will cause DataMail to crash! Use lines 11 through ? to document this file if you like. DataMail Sysop's Manual Version 1.1 WC30-5 WildCat! 3.0 Addendum ====================================================================== OK. The last part of this process is to actually define the batch files you specified to DMCONFIG. Sample files are included if you would like to use them (either intact, or as guidelines for creating your own). One note on these batch files. Unlike a lot of other doors available, DataMail does NOT make you keep 10 batch files around (5 for uploads and 5 for downloads). DataMail uses the same batch file to handle BOTH uploads and downloads. The trick to this is the first argument passed to your batch file. If the argument is an "R", you should "goto" the receive-label. If the argument is an "S", you should "goto" the send-label. The sample batch files document each parameter, and provide a good foundation for setting up your own batch files. Not to confuse the issue (if it isn't already), but just as an aside for those Sysops who feel adventurous; There is no reason why DMXFER1.BAT must handle ZMODEM in both it's upload and download modes. It is entirely acceptable to use, say, ZMODEM for uploads, and SEALink Derived for downloads in DMXFER1.BAT. Just be aware of two things. First, make sure your DMXFERS.TXT file says "ZMODEM" on line 1, and "SEALink" on line 2. Second, you are making life miserable for yourself! It would be easier to remember your set-up if you make DMXFER1.BAT do ZMODEM transfers only (both uploads & downloads). If you want to support SEALink, put that in a different batch file (say, DMXFER2.BAT) and make the upload & download in that batch file exclusively SEALink. Now, except for actually testing your batch files, this part of the installation is finished. Installation: Step 3 ==================== Run DMCONFIG once more. Select Configure Global Parameters, and then Path to UTI Programs. You need to tell DataMail where your UTIIMPRT.EXE program can be found. If you run echo-mail on a network, more than likely you already have these files installed somewhere on your hard disk, possibly something like D:\PCRELAY or C:\UTI. If you do not already have your UTI programs installed, you may place them in your D:\DATAMAIL directory along with all the DataMail programs and files. Please refer to the documentation that comes with your UTI programs for instructions on installing your UTI. Note that DataMail will run just fine without accessing your UTI programs, so if you do not have them, you can still use DataMail. The only draw-back is that there will be no mail notification to the uploaders and downloaders of DataMail. The UTI programs are used to import DataMail messages into your WildCat! Message Bases so senders and receivers can be automatically notified of events which occurred inside DataMail. A UTI is available for WildCat! 3.0 and can usually be found on the support diskette. DataMail WC30-6 Version 1.1 Sysop's Manual WildCat! 3.0 Addendum ====================================================================== With all that explanation out of the way, you must now tell DataMail where your UTI programs are located. Do not enter a filename; just the Drive:\Path\. If you have your UTI programs in D:\PCRELAY, then that's exactly what you should enter at this time. Installation: Step 4 ==================== Run DMCONFIG and select Configure Global Parameters, then Location of DataMail Files. You need to tell DataMail the Drive:\Path\ to where your Users will be uploading files (and from where other Users will be downloading). If you chose to go with my recommendation, this will be D:\DATAMAIL\FILES or C:\DATAMAIL\FILES. Make sure this directory is defined! Do so by typing (from the DOS command-line) MD D:\DATAMAIL\FILES (or MD C:\DATAMAIL\FILES). Installation: Step 5 ==================== This last part of installation will vary depending upon how many "nodes" your BBS has, and whether or not you use a dummy node (0) for local operations. For now, let's just assume you only have one node (node 1), or if you have more, you will only run DataMail from node 1. Once you see what is needed here, you should have no trouble setting up for a second, third, etc., node... You need to establish a batch file to actually run the door. I recommend DM1.BAT for node one (DM2.BAT, etc., for other nodes, and DM0.BAT for your local "dummy" node if you want one - more on that in the main part of the Sysop's Manual). DM1.BAT should accomplish the following: D: CD \DATAMAIL DATAMAIL {Drive:\Path\}DOOR.SYS [PORT:aaaa:i] (all of the following are optional) IF EXIST DMESSAGE.1 DMUTIMSG DMESSAGE.1 {Msg-Base} IF EXIST DMEXIT0.1 {action for normal exit} IF EXIST DMEXIT1.1 {action for dropped carrier} IF EXIST DMEXIT2.1 {action for inactivity/timeout} IF EXIST DMEXIT3.1 {action for Sysop-Forced exit} IF EXIST DMEXIT4.1 {action for allotted time expired} IF EXIST DMEXIT90.1 {action for SHARE violation} IF EXIST DMEXIT99.1 {action for Configuration error} DataMail Sysop's Manual Version 1.1 WC30-7 WildCat! 3.0 Addendum ====================================================================== All of the above are explained in detail later on, but just for a quick run-down: {Drive:\Path\} is the Drive: and \Path\ to your BBS's DOOR.SYS file; if you run WildCat! on drive C:, this will likely be C:\WC30\WCWORK\NODE1. THIS IS REQUIRED! [PORT:aaaa:i] is optional. You need this only if you are NOT running a standard COM1, COM2, etc., port for your BBS Node. The "PORT" and colons (:) are literals; they should appear exactly as typed. The "aaaa" is intended to be replaced with the address of your port's UART. The "i" is intended to be replaced with the IRQ number required for that UART address. The "[" and "]" are NOT intended to be typed; they are there to show you that this field is optional. Most Sysops will never need this optional parameter. For those that do, an example would be: DATAMAIL C:\WC30\WCWORK\NODE1 PORT:03F8:5 This tells DataMail to use IRQ5, but to use the UART address for what is normally considered to be COM2 on most DOS machines. If your hardware is such that you have these "oddball" configurations due to a lot of different COMM ports, then you may need to provide this optional parameter to DataMail so it can properly communicate with the remote caller. Note that this has no effect when you run DataMail in "local" mode, so this optional parameter may be left off. The test for DMESSAGE.1 is there in order to call the UTI Message Formatter so that any messages generated by DataMail will appear in your BBS's Message Base. Note that, depending upon the User's actions, there may not be any messages, so that is why an "IF EXIST" is supplied; sometimes the file DMESSAGE.1 won't be available. The remaining "IF EXIST" lines test for the reason DataMail exited. Most Sysops will find this of little use, but for those that need to know, DataMail catalogs exactly one of these files upon exiting. In all cases, the extension ".1" refers to "node 1". If you setup DM2.BAT for your second node, all references to ".1" should be changed to ".2". Now, run MAKEWILD and configure a DataMail door for it by following these steps (please consult your Wildcat! Manual for navigation commands and required F-Keys): First, add a door to the total number of doors on your system. Then, go to the Door Security Setup screen and mark the different User Levels that you want to be allowed to run the door. Save the setup. Now add the door to your DOOR.SCR screen. Note that you may also run DataMail as a DOS "Hook" instead of a door. DataMail WC30-8 Version 1.1 Sysop's Manual WildCat! 3.0 Addendum ====================================================================== Installation: Wrap-up ===================== You are all done with the initial, basic installation! A little complicated, but that is because DataMail offers you complete flexibility in defining your own desired Paths and filenames. To test your installation, start WildCat! and when you see the WildCat! screen, type Ctrl-S to logon. Select your Door options by typing "D" at the Main Menu, and you should see an option for DataMail. If you do not, then you have incorrectly configured DataMail in your MAKEWILD program; exit WildCat! and rerun MAKEWILD to correct the problem. Now, select DataMail door. If you have named your batch files correctly, and they are properly defined, DataMail should run and show you a prompt asking for Upload, Group Maintenance, etc. If not, either you have not properly configured DataMail, your batch file is not making the default directory D:\DATAMAIL, or you are missing some files in your D:\DATAMAIL directory. Go back and check your installation. (Note that the problem may also be due to lack of memory if you are running DesqView or Windows, etc. In this case, you will need to allocate more memory to the current window). Select "x" to exit DataMail. You should be returned to your BBS session. Exit WildCat! and take a look at your D:\DATAMAIL directory. You should see two new files; DMLOG.1 and DMEXIT0.1. DMLOG.1 is an audit trail (it should show that you entered DataMail, and then exited normally). DMEXIT0.1 is cataloged if you care about how the User exited DataMail (in this case, by selecting option "x"). If you don't care about this, simply ignore DMEXIT??.1 whenever these files are created (they are deleted when DataMail starts, and exactly one of them will be created when DataMail exits). If you have gotten this far, your installation is correct and complete. All that remains is to actually test your file-transfer batch files (sorry, you'll have to verify that via remote access, or watch a caller logon and use them), setting up the individual security level parameters and global overrides to them, and verification that your UTI Drive:\Path\ is correct and your UTI programs are working.