This is intended to clear up a great deal of BBS message base confusion! Just what ARE those people trying to say to you? Well, here is the answer! ======================================================================= FROM: Steve Poggio SUBJECT: Smiley Faces CONF: InterLink/Comedy ======================================================================= emoticon: n. a figure created with the symbols on a keyboard that is read with the head tilted to the left. Used to convey the spirit in which a line of text was typed. To help telecom-sters clarify just how humorous their postings are intended to be, here is a collection of the many faces of humor, emoticon-style. Tilt your head slightly to the left to read the following emoticons. :-) Humor :-) )-: Masking theatrical comments :<) For those with hairy lips :<)= For those with beards too :/) Not funny '-) Wink P-) Pirate ;-) Sardonic incredulity :-" Pursing lips :-v Just another face (speaking) profiled from the side :-V Shout :-w Speak with forked tongue :-W Shout with forked tongue :-r Bleahhh (sticking tongue out) :-f or :-p Smirks :-1 or :-, Smirks <:-O Eeek! :-* Oooops (covering mouth with hand) :-T Keeping a straight face (tight-lipped) :-D Said with a smile :-P or :-y Shouting :-O Shouting :-{ Count Dracula =|:-)= Uncle Sam 7:) Reagan :-# Censored :~i Smoking :~j Smoking and smiling :/i No smoking :-I It's something, but I don't know what.... :-x Kiss kiss :-> Alternate happy face :-( Unhappy :-c Real unhappy :-C Unbelieving (jaw dropped) :-< Forlorn :-B Drooling (or overbite) :-| Disgusted :-? Licking your lips <:>== A turkey emoticon :-) :-) :-) Loud guffaw :-J Tongue-in-cheek comments :*) Clowning around :-8 Talking out both sides of your mouth (:-) Msgs dealing with bicycle helmets <:-) For dumb questions o= A burning candle for flames -= A doused candle to end a flame OO Headlights on msg :_) I used to be a boxer, but it really got my nose out of join B-) Smiling and wearing glasses or sunglasses (or from Batman) 8-) Same as previous; also used to denote wide-eyed look #:-) Done by someone with sort of matted hair :-o "Oh, nooooooo!" (a la Mr. Bill) #:-o Same as previous |-( Late night messages :^) Messages teasing people about their noses :-{#} Messages teasing people about their braces (:-$ Message indicating person is ill... (:-& Message indicating person is angry... (:-( Message indicating person is VERY sad... (:^( Message concerning people with broken noses (:<) Message concerning blabber mouths :-(=) Message about people with big teeth &:-) Message from a person with curly hair ?-( Message about people with a black eye *:* Message about fuzzy things *:** Message about fuzzy things with fuzzy mustaches %-) Message about people with broken glasses +<:-| Message from a monk/nun... {0-) Message from cyclops... (:-|K- Formal message. ...---... S.O.S. ||*( Handshake offered ||*) Handshake accepted <&&> Message concerning rubber chickens >< >< Message about/to someone wearing argyle socks 2B|^2B Message about Shakespeare (-_-) Secret smile <{:-)} Message in a bottle... <:-)<<| Message from a space rocket... (:-... Heart-breaking message... <<<<(:-) Message from a hat sales-man... More ....... C:# Football Player :-)=-- Man with tie :-8 Man with bow tie :_( Vincent Van Gogh :-() I stubbed my toe :-( ) You stepped on my toe :-( ) You backed your car over my toe :-X My lips are sealed :-C Really bummed out C=:-) Chef *<:-) Santa Claus :-O Mr Bill *:o) Bozo [:-) Wearing a Walkman :-)) Double chin :-! Bronx cheer :-7 Smokes a pipe :-? Sherlock Holmes with calabash %-| Been working all night ::-) Wears glasses :-{) Has a mustache }:-( Bull headed :-# Wears braces :-& Tongue-tied :-D Big smile, laugh C|:-= Charlie Chaplin =|:-)= Abe lincoln :-@ I swear END: