* Help on how to install VoD V1.2 1. Running Dcreate Dcreate is a programm that creates some of the neccesary files for Vaults of Doom (dungeons, logfile, datefile etc.) The first thing you should do is copy all the VoD file into the right subdirectory and then run Dcreate. After this VoD should be ready to run locally without problems. 2. Setting up VoD for remote play VoD takes a number of command line arguments. For more information about the current VoD version settings run VoD with the /h option. This help file should be sufficient to set up VoD for remote play. If your BBS has problems with passing the arguments make a batch file or a small program that passes the argument correctly. VoD has been tested with RA and should work fine on RA type BBS'es. 3. Sysop.txt file In this text file you can put some text to inform VoD players about specific information. All *.txt files are straightforward text files and can be edited by the sysop.