Rules pertaining to Sysops Participating in the Freedom Net ___________________________________________________________ Last updated 5-27-92 1. You must advise your users that no illegal activities will be permitted in any conference pertaining to freedom Net. 2. No forsale Ads will be allowed in any conference except for designated Area. A. One excpetion to this rule would i.e. 1. If the item being sold pertains to that conference(Startrek cards being sold in the star trek conference would be allowed) 2. If the user has permission from the Network Heads. 3. No Alais in the conferences. We feel Users like to know whom they are corresponding to and not someone under the name John Boy. 4. It is required that you post the file POST.TXT on your bbs to inform your users of the LAWS pertaining to private messages. 5. Messages dealing with Pyramid schemes are illegal. Users who breaks this rule will be dealt with in the following manner A. Users will be put in the Insulate.Net after : 1. Two warnings are issued and takes no noticed. 2. If an Excessive amount of complaints are recieved(more than twenty) 6. No profanity will be tolerated in any of the conferences pertaining to the Freedom Net. It is the Sysops Job to enforce this rule. Reginal Hubs _____________________ 1. Reginal Hubs are assign by Network Heads. 2. Mail pickup must be done at least twice a week 3. Must own legally obtained Pcrelay Software.Or is available through the the address in Pcrelay.txt That wraps up the rules for carring are net. If you have any questions please leave routed mail to PTBBS.