DPATCH.NLM patches NetWare v3.11, to enable STAT.NLM to gather disk channel statistics (bytes read and written). The DPATCH NLM modifies the file server operating system in memory, so no changes are made to SERVER.EXE. To use: - Copy PATCHMAN.NLM, DPATCH.NLM, and DPATCH.MAP to SYS:SYSTEM. - At the file server console, load PATCHMAN. - Load DPATCH. - Load the STAT NLM to begin gathering file server statistics. Also included in this archive is DUMPSTAT v1.2, which formats STAT data for export to spreadsheets and databases. Version 1.2 fixes bugs in the -M and -N options. For more information, see the March and June '92 issues of NetWare Application Notes.