Û²±° The EYE * Wash Toys (1) °±²Û Copyright (c) 1992, Don Anderson I guess you can call this stuff a donation to the software world. I'm not requesting anything in return, just hope the programs add a bit of enjoyment to your computer monitors. I do maintain all rights to the code as compiled. Request any distribution of this package to be maintained as a unit, BOXCLS.EXE þþþþþþþ Small Boxes CIRCLS.EXE þþþþþþþ Random Circles INOUT.EXE þþþþþþþþ Circles In and Out BOXSOUND.EXE þþþþþ Small Boxes with Sound RECCLS.EXE þþþþþþþ Random Rectangles COMPCLOK.EXE þþþþþ Compu-Assist Clock FUNKCIR.EXE þþþþþþ Random Circles With Paint (My personal favorite) DOCLOCK.EXE þþþþþþ Out To Lunch Clock READTHIS.TXT þþþþþ This file If you are a commercial distibution, all I ask to go along with the above is that you send me a letter or card stating that you've seen fit to add my work to your distribution. These are a few of my first exercises in learning QuickBasic, using code that came with the program, tips and hints from friends, the FIDONet National QuickBasic echo, and a bit of my own wizardry thrown in. Parts of the code came straight out of the QuickBasic 4.5 book, QuickBasic and Qbasic are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. *** Just Cuz I Gotta **** The author (Don Anderson) assumes no responsibilty for any problems arising from the use of these programs. These programs are released *AS IS* without any warranty of any kind. You get to use them at your own risk. If any of the programs break, you got whatever is left over. (figgered I'd better say it just in case) My test machine was a 286 clone with five megs of ram, standard VGA monitor. Haven't figgered how much ram is used during operation yet, as I'm still "VERY" green behind the ears yet when it comes to programming. My next project, is to attempt to make them TSRs, but don't know if it is possible yet. *** The Future?? *** I can re-accomplish most all of the programs to display any text that you may want, but if they really interest you that much, you'll have to get in contact with me. I'm still new at it when it comes to programming, but, do have the code for these programs about memorized. (Grin) I will be tinkering with them a bit, as time permits. At present, they will run from the DOS command line, on my VGA monitor. If you would like a personalized copy of any of them, we can talk about it. If you are really thrilled (I'd be shocked), send some U.S. bucks (at least 10) and instructions for what ya may want on the screens, I'll quit playing around with it and get BUSY. (Grin) Also if you've got questions/complaints/suggestions/comments feel free to contact me, a postcard would be most neighborly... You can write me at: Don Anderson P.O. Box 1801 EAFB, Fl 32542 Sysop of: Compu-Assist BBS Niceville, Florida (904)678-2667 FIDONet 1:366/48