Well, this is a freebie!!! Course, it ain't much, but if ya didn't have a clock, now ya do. (Who wants to display a bbs add all the time anyway?? ) This is one of my first exercises in learning QuickBasic, using code that came with the program, and a bit of my own wizardry thrown in. Parts of the code came straight out of the QuickBasic 4.5 book, and QuickBasic is obviously a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. *** Just Cuz I Gotta **** The author (Don Anderson) assumes no responsibilty for any problems arising from the use of this program. The program is released *AS IS* without any warranty of any kind. You get to use it at your own risk. If the program breaks, you got whatever is left over. (figgered I'd better say it just in case) *** Compu-Clock's Future?? *** I can re-accomplish the program to display any text that you may want, but if it really interests you that much, you'll have to get in contact with me. I'm "green behind the ears" when it comes to programming, but, do have the code for this program about memorized. (Grin) I will be tinkering with it a bit, as time permits, maybe making it a TSR, but not promising that. At present, it will run from the DOS command line, on my VGA monitor. If you would like a personalized copy, we can be talk about it. If you are really thrilled (I'd be shocked), send some U.S. bucks (at least 10) and instructions for what ya may want on the screen, and I'll get BUSY. (Grin) Also if you've got questions/complaints/suggestions/comments feel free to contact me... Compu-Assist BBS Niceville, Florida (904)678-2667 FIDONet 1:366/48 Or you can write: Don Anderson P.O. Box 1801 EAFB, Fl 32542