Clipper Support Bulletin #6 LABEL FORM problems and workarounds Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Nantucket Corporation. All rights reserved. Version: Clipper 5.0, revisions 1.00 - 1.03 Date: 8th January, 1991 Revised: 22nd May, 1992 Status: Inactive ================================================================================ This Support Bulletin covers the following topics: 1. Type mismatch error 2. Performing a SET MARGIN before a LABEL FORM 3. Erroneous NOCONSOLE handling 4. Revised Lblrun.prg code ================================================================================ 1. Type mismatch error PROBLEM: The LABEL FORM command is used, and works correctly. However, if used a second time, a "Type Mismatch" error occurs. REASON: STATIC variables which were defined and assigned during the label routine's initial invocation were later assigned NIL values. This resulted in an error on subsequent invocations, because the code was not designed to handle any of the variables having a NIL value. FIX: Instead of assigning NIL values, the variables are now reset to their original values (where appropriate). ================================================================================ 2. Performing a SET MARGIN before a LABEL FORM PROBLEM: Issuing a SET MARGIN prior to a LABEL FORM caused labels to be printed at a column position equal to three times the margin setting. REASON: First, the code for the label routine was adding the margin twice. Eliminating the second addition in two separate places in the code fixed this problem. Second, all label lines other than the first one are output using QOUT() (the functional equivalent of the ? command). This function moves the print head down after each line and respects any SET MARGIN value. This accounts for the third multiple of the margin. FIX: The problem was solved by temporarily eliminating the margin during execution of the label routine and reassigning it upon completion. The current margin setting was retrieved using the SET() function and stored in a local variable. Upon completion of the routine, the margin was reset to the value contained in this local variable. At this point anyone reading this might begin to wonder why all this trouble was taken. It may seem easier to just eliminate all the internal margin handling and let the global effect upon QOUT() deal with the problem. However, some may recall a Summer '87 problem where the first line of a label would not respect the margin. This occurred because the first line of a label is output with QQOUT() (the functional equivalent of the ?? command), which is not affected by SET MARGIN. This means that this version of the label routine is not Summer '87 compatible, as it will be respecting the margin on all printed lines. Some developers may have placed a workaround in their code for the Summer '87 behavior. This is probably in the form of a routine which will use printer escape sequences to place the print head at the desired margin offset before running the label form. Developers with such routines will need to remove that code. Failure to remove the Summer '87 workaround code will cause the first line to be printed at a column which is twice the margin. ================================================================================ 3. Erroneous NOCONSOLE handling PROBLEM: Lines 134-136 of LBLRUN.prg are as follows: IF lConsole // To the screen lConsoleOn := SET( _SET_CONSOLE, lConsole ) ENDIF lConsole is the NOCONSOLE parameter passed to LBLRUN. The preprocessor uses a logify result-marker for this parameter, which means that lConsole has a value of True (.T.) if NOCONSOLE was specified. This causes the code listed above to turn the console on if NOCONSOLE was specified. FIX: Change the above lines of code to the following: IF lConsole // To the screen lConsoleOn := SET( _SET_CONSOLE, !lConsole ) ENDIF ================================================================================ 4. Revised Lblrun.prg code /*** * * Lblrun.prg * Clipper 5.0 LABEL FORM runtime system * Copyright (c) 1990 Nantucket Corp. All rights reserved * * Compile: /m/n/w */ #include "" // Label array definitions #include "" // Filewide static declarations STATIC aLabelData := {} // Label definition array STATIC aBandToPrint := {} STATIC cBlank := "" STATIC lOneMoreBand := .T. STATIC nCurrentCol := 1 // The current column in the band /*** * __LabelForm( ... ) --> NIL * Print the specified (.lbl) definition for specified records * meeting specified scope and condition */ FUNCTION __LabelForm( cLBLName, lPrinter, cAltFile, lConsole, bFor, ; bWhile, nNext, nRecord, lRest, lSample ) LOCAL lPrintOn := .F. // PRINTER status LOCAL lConsoleOn := .T. // CONSOLE status LOCAL cExtraFile, lExtraState // EXTRA status LOCAL xBreakVal, lBroke := .F. LOCAL err Local OldMargin // Resolve parameters IF cLBLName == NIL err := ErrorNew() err:severity := 2 err:genCode := EG_ARG err:subSystem := "FRMLBL" Eval(ErrorBlock(), err) ELSE IF AT( ".", cLBLName ) == 0 cLBLName := TRIM( cLBLName ) + ".LBL" ENDIF ENDIF IF lPrinter == NIL lPrinter := .F. ENDIF IF lConsole == NIL lConsole := .T. ENDIF IF lSample == NIL lSample := .F. ENDIF // Set output devices IF lPrinter // To the printer lPrintOn := SET( _SET_PRINTER, lPrinter ) ENDIF IF lConsole // To the screen lConsoleOn := SET( _SET_CONSOLE, !lConsole ) ENDIF IF (!Empty(cAltFile)) // To file cExtraFile := SET( _SET_EXTRAFILE, cAltFile ) lExtraState := SET( _SET_EXTRA, .T. ) ENDIF OldMargin := SET( _SET_MARGIN, 0) BEGIN SEQUENCE aLabelData := __LblLoad( cLBLName ) // Load the (.lbl) into an array // Add to the left margin if a SET MARGIN has been defined aLabelData[ LB_LMARGIN ] += OldMargin // Size the aBandToPrint array to the number of fields ASIZE( aBandToPrint, LEN( aLabelData[ LB_FIELDS ] ) ) AFILL( aBandToPrint, SPACE( aLabelData[ LB_LMARGIN ] ) ) // Create enough space for a blank record cBlank := SPACE( aLabelData[ LB_WIDTH ] + aLabelData[ LB_SPACES ] ) // Handle sample labels IF lSample SampleLabels() ENDIF // Execute the actual label run based on matching records DBEval( { || ExecuteLabel() }, bFor, bWhile, nNext, nRecord, lRest ) // Print the last band if there is one IF lOneMoreBand // Print the band AEVAL( aBandToPrint, ; { | BandLine | ; // PrintIt(SPACE(aLabelData[LB_LMARGIN])+ BandLine); PrintIt( BandLine ) } ) ENDIF RECOVER USING xBreakVal lBroke := .T. END // Sequence // Clean up and leave aLabelData := {} // Recover the space aBandToPrint := {} nCurrentCol := 1 cBlank := "" lOneMoreBand :=.T. // Clean up SET( _SET_PRINTER, lPrintOn ) // Set the printer back to prior state SET( _SET_CONSOLE, lConsoleOn )// Set the console back to prior state IF (!Empty(cAltFile)) // Set extrafile back SET( _SET_EXTRAFILE, cExtraFile ) SET( _SET_EXTRA, lExtraState ) ENDIF IF lBroke // keep the break value going BREAK xBreakVal ENDIF SET( _SET_MARGIN, OldMargin) RETURN NIL /*** * ExecuteLabel() --> NIL * Process the label array using the current record */ STATIC FUNCTION ExecuteLabel LOCAL nField, nMoreLines, aBuffer := {}, cBuffer // Load the current record into aBuffer FOR nField := 1 TO LEN( aLabelData[ LB_FIELDS ] ) cBuffer := PADR(TRANSFORM( EVAL( aLabelData[ LB_FIELDS,nField,; LF_EXP ] ), ; REPLICATE( "X", aLabelData[ LB_WIDTH ] ) ), ; aLabelData[ LB_WIDTH ] + aLabelData[ LB_SPACES ]) IF aLabelData[ LB_FIELDS, nField, LF_BLANK ] IF RTRIM( cBuffer ) == "" // If it's a blank field ELSE AADD( aBuffer, cBuffer ) ENDIF ELSE AADD( aBuffer, cBuffer ) ENDIF NEXT ASIZE( aBuffer, LEN( aLabelData[ LB_FIELDS ] ) ) // Add aBuffer to aBandToPrint FOR nField := 1 TO LEN( aLabelData[ LB_FIELDS ] ) IF aBuffer[ nField ] == NIL aBandToPrint[ nField ] += cBlank ELSE aBandToPrint[ nField ] += aBuffer[ nField ] ENDIF NEXT IF nCurrentCol == aLabelData[ LB_ACROSS ] lOneMoreBand := .F. nCurrentCol := 1 // Print the band AEVAL( aBandToPrint, ; { | BandLine | ; //PrintIt(SPACE(aLabelData[LB_LMARGIN])+ BandLine); PrintIt( BandLine ) } ) nMoreLines := aLabelData[ LB_HEIGHT ] - LEN( aBandToPrint ) IF nMoreLines > 0 FOR nField := 1 TO nMoreLines PrintIt() NEXT ENDIF IF aLabelData[ LB_LINES ] > 0 // Add the spaces between the label lines FOR nField := 1 TO aLabelData[ LB_LINES ] PrintIt() NEXT ENDIF // Clear out the band AFILL( aBandToPrint, SPACE( aLabelData[ LB_LMARGIN ] ) ) ELSE lOneMoreBand := .T. nCurrentCol++ ENDIF RETURN NIL /*** * SampleLabels() --> NIL * Print sample labels */ STATIC FUNCTION SampleLabels LOCAL nGetKey, lMoreSamples := .T., nField LOCAL aBand := {} // Create the sample label row ASIZE( aBand, aLabelData[ LB_HEIGHT ] ) AFILL( aBand, SPACE( aLabelData[ LB_LMARGIN ] ) +; REPLICATE( REPLICATE( "*", ; aLabelData[ LB_WIDTH ] ) + ; SPACE( aLabelData[ LB_SPACES ] ), ; aLabelData[ LB_ACROSS ] ) ) // Prints sample labels DO WHILE lMoreSamples // Print the samples AEVAL( aBand, ; { | BandLine | PrintIt( BandLine ) } ) IF aLabelData[ LB_LINES ] > 0 // Add the spaces between the label lines FOR nField := 1 TO aLabelData[ LB_LINES ] PrintIt() NEXT ENDIF // Prompt for more @ ROW(), 0 SAY "Do you want more samples? (Y/N)" nGetKey := INKEY(0) @ ROW(), COL() SAY CHR(nGetKey) IF ROW() == MAXROW() SCROLL( 0, 0, MAXROW(), MAXCOL(), 1 ) @ MAXROW(), 0 SAY "" ELSE @ ROW()+1, 0 SAY "" ENDIF IF UPPER(CHR(nGetKey)) == "N" lMoreSamples := .F. ENDIF ENDDO RETURN NIL /*** * PrintIt( ) --> NIL * Print a string, then send a CRLF */ STATIC FUNCTION PrintIt( cString ) IF cString == NIL cString := "" ENDIF QQOUT( cString ) QOUT() RETURN NIL * * *