Volume in drive J is EAT IT! Volume Serial Number is 000E-6C16 Directory of J:\ . 05-08-92 7:03p .. 05-08-92 7:03p REG DOC 2012 05-19-92 5:54p SCRAMBLE EXE 9232 05-13-92 9:53p READ ME 284 05-19-92 5:27p FILE_ID DIZ 257 05-19-92 5:31p SORT EXE 9200 05-13-92 9:51p MATT TXT 70 05-18-92 6:23p FILELIST TXT 1076 05-19-92 5:57p 9 File(s) 1945600 bytes free This is a file list of all files that you should have. If you don't have all the files: Call local BBS's and view the .ZIP file of SCRAMBLE. Call AlterNet BBS at (508)-827-5274 and download SCRAMBLE.ZIP for a complete .ZIP file....i have personaly upload this MYSELF to alternet! leave MAIL to NATHAN TAYLOR at AlterNet BBS and report the sorce of the incomplete file, and i will talk to the SYSOP and trace the origin, and have it virus checked and replaced with a original .ZIP file from the AUTHOR! Thanks!!!