DOR [d:][\path\][filename.ext] [options] [ }t: ] (External) (C) 1990, 1992 Tim Ward V4.4 Shows all files and subdirectories on the specified drive, or on the default drive if no drive is specified. Includes hidden and system files. Filename is color-coded according to file attributes. Displays total size of selected files on disk. Includes total and free drive space & memory. If t: is included, file sizes calculated for specified other drive. /(nn...nn Files with size less than nn...nn /)nn...nn Files with sizes greater than nn...nn where 0 <= nn...nn < 999,999,999 (may include commas) /- All files dated before today /= All files dated today /+ All files dated today or after /-MM-DD-YYYY files before particular date /=MM-DD-YYYY files dated on particular date /+MM-DD-YYYY files on or after certain date Where MM=Month,DD=Day,YYYY=year ** May be used to replace MM DD HH or MM. **** May be used to replace YYYY /: Files with time after now /; Files with time before now /;HH:MM Files before certain time /:HH:MM Files after certain time Where HH = Hour(1 - 24), MM = Minutes or format = HH:MMa or format = HH:MMp /, Removes all commas from all numbers in listing /2 = Display two columns of file listings. /4 = Ultrawide. Four columns, filenames only /A = list only files with arc -A = Do not include files with arc bit set /B = Print files with full drive + Backslash path name. /C = Toggle 12/24 clock format /D = list only directories -D = Do not include subdirectories /DT= Show Directory Tree /E = Search in subdirectories -F = Ignore floppy drives, removable drives /H = list only hidden files +H = Include hidden files /L = display file data only -L = Don't show individual file data -J = Ignore logical drives /ND= Display decimal dump of file name /NH= Display hex dump of file name -N = Ignore network drives /O = Override switches set in DOS environment. /P = Pause after every page /R = list only read-only files -R = Do not include read-only files /S = list only system files +S = Include system files /Z = Display actual space used on disk by each file /? = Display Help page one /?? = Help Page 2 /INFO = More information