R.E.D. - Remove Empty Directories v1.1 Copyright (C) 1992 J.Platzman Syntax/Usage: ------------- From a DOS prompt, type "RED [] [/q]" where is the optional starting directory, /q sets query operation mode. RED starts at the named directory (or the current directory if no directory is supplied on the command line) and removes all empty sub-directories. NO FILES ARE DELETED; only directories. The "/q" switch (case-insensitive) causes RED to operate in "query" mode; in this mode, it asks for confirmation for each subdirectory it may want to remove. Valid query responses are "Y" (OK to remove), "N" (don't remove this directory), and "C" (remove this directory and all subsequent directories -- i.e. abort query mode). Disclaimer, etc.: ----------------- This program may be copied freely as long as no changes are made and this documentation file accompanies the RED.EXE program. I am not responsible for any damage, loss of functionality, or any other problems caused directly or indirectly by the removal of empty directories by this program. No warranties are expressed or implied. Known bugs (features): ---------------------- - If you have a directory path longer than 60 characters, RED will crash. Until the next release, use SUBST if you have a problem with this. Revision history: ----------------- v1.0: Initial release. Some network incompatibilities. v1.1: Network incompatibilies fixed (I hope). Added query mode.