COLORS.ZIP contains 4 files with descriptions as follows: NOTE: These programs require DOS 5.0 to operate correctly. COLORS.BAT - Run this to generate screen colors data file COLORS.BAS - Program that does the work using DOS 5.0 Qbasic ZZZZZZ.ZZZ - Sample data file, just type at DOS prompt to see colors change. README.TXT - This document you are reading To generate data file Just type "colors FGcolor BGcolor" at the dos prompt. That's all there is to it to change your screen colors. example c:\> colors cyan magenta The file generated zzzzzz.zzz can be put in the autoexec.bat file to set the screen colors of your choice upon boot up. COLORS.BAT should be in the root directory and COLORS.BAS in the DOS directory with c:\DOS; in the path statement. The zzzzzz.zzz file can be edited to change colors with an ASCII editor like DOS 5.0 "EDIT" if you don't want to rerun the COLOR.BAT. WARNING! The color codes for DOS 5.0 background colors are different than DOS 3.3 so if these programs are tried with DOS 3.3 look up the ANSI codes for the colors in the DOS manual and change line 160 of COLORS.BAS program accordingly. Programs have only been tested with DOS 5.0 Note: These programs are from PC Computing "Hot Tips" column, April 1992, pages 221-222 and were authored by William Barden, Jr.