Document # 1406 DR DOS 6.0 COMPATIBILITY WITH LANTASTIC NETWORK SKN 12-13-91 Description: DR DOS 6.0 and LANtastic 4.0 have been tested together by both Digital Research and Artisoft, and were found to be extensively compatible. Customers with earlier versions of either DR DOS or LANtastic may achieve partial functionality when running the two products together, however such functionality is coincidental and is not supported by either Digital Research or Artisoft. Customers who have earlier products and who experience problems should upgrade LANtastic or DR DOS as necessary. Testing of DR DOS 6.0 and LANtastic 4.0 revealed only a small number of minor configuration issues, which are as follows: 1. SUPER PC KWIK Super PC Kwik advanced disk reads and writes should be disabled on LANtastic because the Super PC Kwik scheduler conflicts with the LANtastic scheduler causing machines to hang. To avoid this problem on a machine running SERVER, use the Super PC Kwik switches /D- /H- to disable advanced disk reads and writes. Normal caching is still active when these switches are used. Note that you do not need to disable advanced disk writes on a node which is not running SERVER. As is true of most server/cache combinations, Super PC Kwik cannot cache redirected network drives. 2. WINDOWS 3.0 IN ENHANCED MODE To run Windows 3.0 in enhanced mode using the DR DOS 6.0 EMM386.SYS memory manager, customers need to use an Artisoft LANTASTI.386 driver dated 08-16-91 or newer. Customers with older LANTASTI.386 files can obtain a current one from Artisoft Technical Support. 3. LANPUP UTILITY Network redirections will work properly under DR DOS 6.0, however the LANPUP terminate and stay resident utility will not display the redirection properly. 4. DR DOS 6.0 DISK UTILITIES Certain DR DOS 6.0 disk utilities are intentionally designed for use only on local drives and will return an error message if run on a redirected (network) drive or on a machine running the SERVER program. These utilities are summarized below: Utility On SERVER? On network drive? ------- ---------- ----------------- CHKDSK N N DELPURGE N N DELWATCH N N DISKMAP Y N DISKOPT N N FDISK N N FORMAT Y N PASSWORD Y* N RECOVER N N UNDELETE Y N UNFORMAT N N * Files on a server protected by PASSWORD cannot be accessed from LAN workstations, even when the correct password is provided. They may, however, be accessed at the server on its own physical drive. 5. SUPERSTOR One LANtastic 4.0 test system was run with a DR DOS 6.0 server whose hard drive had been prepared using the SuperSTOR disk compression utility. All nodes on the network, even non-DR DOS nodes, could access data on the SuperSTOR drive. Efforts were made to exercise the test system heavily, however customers should consider use of SuperSTOR partitions on LANtastic servers as "at their own risk" at the current time and use standard precautions such as frequent backups of essential data. We also strongly recommend that customers read DR DOS Technical Tip # 1200 before creating or using a SuperSTOR drive. 6. RARE QUICKBASIC PROBLEM The initial shipments of DR DOS 6.0 had a rare problem in which server pathing was not handled correctly by a Microsoft Quickbasic application under LANtastic 4.0. This problem was reported by only a single user in the field and was very difficult to reproduce even in our testing laboratories so is unlikely to be seen by most customers. The problem relates to the "double backslash" \\ before the server name, and has been corrected. Customers who see the problem, and who have DR DOS files dated prior to 12/91, should contact Digital Research technical support for updated files. 7. TASKMAX LANtastic software should be loaded before TASKMAX is invoked. This permits all TASKMAX task sessions to access the network. 8. INTERNATIONALIZATION ISSUES (Country, Keyboard, Codepage, and Graftabl) The U.S. version of LANtastic will run only with the default (U.S.) DR DOS 6.0 country and keyboard. DR DOS 6.0 customers who require alternate country support, codepage, or graftabl support should contact Artisoft for an international version of LANtastic 4.0. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Artisoft provides a similar but more extensive document on DR DOS 6.0 compatibility with LANtastic 4.0. This document, which details the hardware and network cards tested, can be obtained from Artisoft's technical support bulletin board at (602) 293-0065 or from the Artisoft forum on CompuServe.