Document 1614 Falcon 3.0 RR 2/6/92 Description: Falcon 3.0 is compatible with DR DOS 6.0. There are, however, very important memory requirements that must be met for this application to properly run. Falcon requires a minimum of 600K (614,400 bytes) of memory to run. This can make it difficult for some users with SuperStored drives to access the program. If this is the case it is possible to install the application to a non-compressed drive and create an alternate CONFIG.SYS (DCONFIG.SYS) that does not load the SuperStor driver. Other TSR's should also be avoided. One of the advantages of DR DOS 6.0 is its ability to run alternate configuration files. Additional configuration programming can be found in the DR DOS 6 users guide and in Document 1113. The installation program may display an error that indicates the computer only has 575K free and more memory needs to be made available. DR DOS is detecting that the installation program may be exepacked and is using up the first 64K of base memory before launching the program. Users should ignore this message and continue. If the install program returns to a DOS prompt try using the command "MEMMAX -L" and restarting the install program. In some cases users may see a screen that contains control characters and asks for a Y/N response. Ignore the unreadable portion and answer "N" and the installation will proceed normally. Remember to use the command "MEMMAX +L" to free up locked memory before running Falcon. *There may also be an additional problem for users who have single floppy computers. When the installation program is "Decompressing Files" users may see a message that says, "Insert diskette for drive (A or B) and press any key when ready." Do not remove the floppy from the drive but merely strike any key. This may require repeated strikes to continue and will have to be done for every disk. *If the installation program freezes or gives an error message users should delete all installed files and the Falcon directory and reinstall. *If a user is unable to use the keyboard to select buttons in the interface or the cockpit functions while flying around, the user may need to add "BREAK=ON" to the CONFIG.SYS. If this fails to work, unplug the keyboard from the computer and then plug it back in again. *Users need to be sure that they are using the latest version of their mouse driver. Genius mice can be a possible problem and need to be using a version 9.06 driver. *If digitized radio messages are not playing, be sure that there is at least 480K (491,520 bytes) of EMS memory for those sounds. This will require a computer of at least 2 MB of RAM. All other sound effects will be available without EMS memory. To determine the amount of EMS memory available with DR DOS type "MEM" at a DOS prompt. *Minimum System Requirements for Falcon 3.0 . 12MHz 80286 IBM (or compatible) computer or IBM PS/2 Model 30-286 or higher . 1 MB of RAM . DOS 5.0 or higher . Hard drive with at least 11MB free space . VGA graphics card and VGA color monitor . One 1.2MB 5.25 in disk drive or one 1.44MB 3.5 in disk drive *Information courtesy of Spectrum HoloByte and not necessarily specific to DR DOS