FYI (Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.) TITLE: Configuring AutoCAD rel. 11 DOCUMENT ID#:FYI-M-1618 DATE: 08-04-92 PRODUCT:AutoCAD & DR DOS PRODUCT VERSION: rel.11 & 6.0 SUPERSEDES: SYMPTOM: Errors similar to: EAX=005E0040 EBX=02000000 LINADR=00E7B000 Fatal Error 386 | VMM: Bad Page table entry in PG FLT HNDLR ISSUE/PROBLEM If the AutoCAD swap file is created on a SuperStor compressed partition, it is given maximum compression ratio of 16:1. When AutoCAD then creates other working files on the compressed partition, they prevent the swap file from expanding as necessary, resulting in an error from the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM). SOLUTION Create the AutoCAD swap file on an uncompressed partition. Users ought to refer to their AutoCAD documentation for instructions on this. Here are the steps that we have found to work: 1) Execute a configuration program called CFIG386.EXE. The necessary command is: CFIG386 ACAD.EXE -SWAPDEFDISK x: (where x: is the drive designation of the uncompressed partition). 2) It is also possible to designate a directory in which the file should reside by entering: CFIG386 ACAD.EXE -SWAPDIR x:\temp (where x:\temp is the drive and directory on the uncompressed partition). There needs to be about 5 Megabytes of free disk space on the uncompressed partition before CFIG386 can make these changes. If this is not the case, it will be necessary to backup the data on the compressed partition, remove the compressed partition, and recreate it, leaving the uncompressed partition about 5 MB larger than it currently is. Other configuration tips regarding AutoCAD 11 are as follows: (1) set FILES=100 (2) set FCBS=48,8 (3) set BREAK=OFF. These changes are to the CONFIG.SYS file.