FYI (Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.) TITLE: SuperStor 2.0 and DR DOS Compatibility DOCUMENT ID#: FYI-M-1621 DATE: 08SEPT92 PRODUCT: DR DOS PRODUCT VERSION: 6.0 SUPERSEDES SUPERSTOR 2.0 All revisions of SuperStor 2.0 are known to be compatible with DR DOS 5.0 and DR DOS 6.0 operating systems. A sound knowledge base of both DR DOS and SuperStor 2.0 is recommended before attempting any of the below tips. Please call Addstor, Inc. at 415-688-0465 for additional information regarding SuperStor 2.0 specific problems. UPGRADING FROM MS-DOS 4 OR 5 TO DR DOS 6 Scenario #1: Entire C: drive is compressed and does not swap with another drive. Copy the DOS file ATTRIB.EXE to a plain bootable system floppy. Put this floppy in the A: drive and reboot the system. Use the ATTRIB command to remove the (S)ystem and (H)idden attributes from the file SSPARTSS.ADD on the C: drive. This command would be: ATTRIB -S -H SSPARTSS.ADD Rename this file to SSPARTSS.SWP. Reassign the (S)ystem and (H)idden attributes to the file SSPARTSS.SWP on the C: drive. This command would be: ATTRIB +S +H SSPARTSS.SWP Reboot the system from the DR DOS Install disk. DR DOS should load and swap the SuperStor drive. Install DR DOS normally. DO NOT REBOOT FROM THE HARD DISK UPON COMPLETION OF THE DR DOS INSTALL. Once again, boot from the bootable system floppy which was made earlier. Copy the files SSTORDRV.SYS and DEVSWAP.COM from the SuperStor 2.0 Program Disk to the root directory of the C: drive. Remove the floppy from the A: drive. Reboot the system. Your upgrade is complete. NOTE: it is possible to return to a non-swap configuration with SuperStor. This may be done by simply removing the (S)ystem and (H)idden attributes from the file SSPARTSS.SWP on the swapped uncompressed partition. This command would be: ATTRIB -S -H SSPARTSS.SWP Then, rename the file SSPARTSS.SWP to SSPARTSS.ADD. Reassign the (S)ystem and (H)idden attributes to the file SSPARTSS.ADD on the swapped uncompressed partition. Reboot the system. The SuperStor drive should no longer swap with an uncompressed partition. NOTE: Items in AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS, such as DISKMAP, may still be referencing the swap drive. Updates should be made to AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS to delete any references to the previously created swap drive. Scenario #2: C: drive is uncompressed or swaps with another drive. Boot from the DR DOS install disk. Install DR DOS normally. After installing DR DOS, format a plain DR DOS system floppy in your A: drive. Reboot the system with the system disk in the A: drive. Copy the files SSTORDRV.SYS and DEVSWAP.COM form your SuperStor program disk to the root directory of the C: drive. Remove the floppy from the A: drive. Reboot the system. Your upgrade is complete. RECOMMENDED METHOD FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPRESSIONS (hard disk) 1. Create a plain DR DOS system floppy. NOTE: this may be done by formatting a disk in the A: drive with the FORMAT A: /S command. Or one may use FORMAT A: to format a disk in the A: drive and SYS A: to transfer the system files to the diskette. 2. Create a CONFIG.SYS on this DR DOS system floppy. This CONFIG.SYS should include: FILES=20 BUFFERS=20 DEVICE=\SSTORDRV.SYS DEVICE=\DEVSWAP.COM 3. Create a AUTOEXEC.BAT on this DR DOS system floppy. This AUTOEXEC.BAT should include: PATH=A:\;C:\;C:\ADDSTOR PROMPT $P$G NOTE: the subdirectory on your C: drive where SuperStor 2.0 is kept may have a name other than "ADDSTOR". 4. Boot from this DR DOS system floppy. 5. From the A: prompt, run the SSTOR.EXE floppy and continue with the SuperStor 2.0 instructions for compressing a hard disk. NOTE: this procedure is recommended as no TSRs or device drivers will be allowed to interfere with the compression process. DISKOPT AND SUPERSTOR 2.0 It is NOT recommended that DR DOS 6.0's DISKOPT be used on a SuperStor 2.0 disk drive. DR DOS 6.0's DISKOPT has not been verified with SuperStor 2.0, and therefore may cause undeterminable results. AddStor supplies their own disk optimization utility with SuperStor 2.0 which MAY be used to optimize the SuperStor 2.0 compressed drive. RECOMPRESS SuperStor 2.0 contains an advanced compression utility called Recompress which "improves the data compression of a SuperStor Disk by up to 25%." The use of Recompress, on a drive created with DR DOS's release of SuperStor, is NOT recommended. There are known problems between SuperStor 2.x's Recompress and DR DOS's release of SuperStor. Addstor is aware of the situation and is working on a solution.