These 3 files, CALBURN.{TXT,WK1,XLS}, are PC based text, Lotus, and Excel format files. They contain data extrapolated from a chart published in the May, 1992 issue of Bicycling Magazine (Article: Fitness Q&A, 10 Common Fitness Questions Answered, p.50). The base data as listed in the magazine article is given as the first portion of the spreadsheet. I have then interpreted the data in two ways: with the time spent pedaling as a variable and fixed weight of 210 pounds (my current weight plus my bike in commuting trim), and secondly as a fixed time interval of 60 minutes and variable weight of both bike and rider. Both are charted against miles per hour. Fairly simple stuff, but quite useful. Enjoy. Rob Scott (Internet:, Compuserve: 76176,637)