Senator Tom Harkin 7910 Woodmont Ave. Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: (301) 656-1992 Fax: (301) 656-1805 =========================================================== AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES FOR HARKIN COMMITTEE FORMED Rally to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 on Jan. 27. " To have sponsored and championed the Americans with Disabilities Act is the proudest achievement in my public life." Tom Harkin July, 1991 Bethesda, MD--Senator Tom Harkin will reaffirm his commitment to individuals with disabilities on January 27, 1992 by celebrating the arrival of the first compliance date of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Americans for Harkin offices around the country will also announce the formation of the Americans with Disabilities for Harkin Committee in support of Harkin's presidential campaign. Harkin, chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Disability Policy, was the author of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1991. Harkin, a leader and champion in the Senate for extending civil rights for people with disabilities and expanding and improving programs and initiatives that enhance their lives, has worked throughout his career for the betterment of individuals with disabilities. Judy Heumann, the founder of the Independent Living Center movement and the chair of Americans with Disabilities for Harkin said, "I support Tom Harkin because he has a proven record of, not only advocacy, but also leadership, in the area of disability rights. In addition, hiss stand on the issues of employment and education are fundamental to every American." Jennifer Rigger, Harkin's national disability constituency coordinator, said, "Tom's commitment to people with disabilities is deeply personal. He has a brother who is deaf and a nephew who is quadriplegic. As a person with a disability it is wonderful for me to be able to participate in a Presidential campaign that represents the needs and desires of the disability community." The Americans with Disabilities for Harkin Committee has members from over 25 states and has full time staff to coordinate projects. Heumann commented, "The disability community is faced today with a unique opportunity. The Harkin campaign relies heavily on the support of people with disabilities-because of our involvement in the Harkin campaign, politicians will no longer pay lip service to the rights and concerns of people with disabilities. This is our opportunity to become players in national politics." Harkin has authored over ten bills which extend civil rights and expand opportunities for people with disabilities - all of which have been signed into law. Harkin has received over 50 awards for his efforts. "Tom Harkins is a hero in our movement...," said Justin Dart, Chairman of the President Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities (New York Times, January 18, 1992). "He transcended politics as usual and subservience to powerful special interest groups to stand firm for justice and the interest of people with disabilities and all Americans. When the next edition of Profiles in Courage is written, the first chapter should be about Tom Harkin," said Dart. Sunday, January 26th is the first implementation date for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Titles Two and Three will go into effect this week. Title Two prohibits state and local governments from discriminating against people with disabilities in hiring. Title Three requires access for people with disabilities in public accommodations. Title One, which goes into effect on July 28, 1992, prohibits private employers from discriminating against people with disabilities. Rigger stated, "1992 is the year for the disability community to have a strong and decisive role in presidential election - not as a population that needs paternalism, but as citizens that demands a voice in government policy. Tom Harkin is counting on us - he has worked hard for our rights. When he says he wants to win back the White House for all Americans, he does mean ALL of us." All of Harkins main offices are fully accessible to individuals with disabilities and TDD lines are being set up in all Harkin offices around the country. Harkin is conversant in sign language. -------------------------------------------------------------- Among Tom Harkin's accomplishments are: * Authored the Americans with Disabilities Act, omnibus civil rights legislation that extends civil rights protections to people with disabilities in areas such as employment, public accommodations, public services (including transportation), and telecommunications. * Authored the Television Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990, which requires that newly manufactured televisions include decoder circuitry to display closed-captions by 1993. * Lead the fight to extend protections for people with disabilities under the Fair Housing Act. * Fought for significant increases in appropriations for programs enhancing the lives of people with disabilities. * Created the Institute for Deafness and Communication Disorders within the National Institute of Health. The Institute researches hearing and communication disorders to help improve the quality of life for those with deafness and hearing disorders, including the ever-growing number of older Americans experiencing hearing loss. * Established a new program for making assistive technology devices and services more available to persons with disabilities. This helps enable individuals with disabilities to lead more independent and productive lives. * Strengthened the government's commitment to education programs for the nearly 4.5 million children with disabilities. * Sponsored legislation improving advocacy programs for our citizens with mental illness and developmental disabilities. Tom believes that a lot more needs to be done to ensure that the promises of independence and inclusion for people with disabilities become realities. Tom wants to see an America: * where people with disabilities, including those with significant disabilities, can make meaningful contributions to their family and their community. * where people with disabilities are provided a choice to live in their own homes and communities and to receive an education, work, and play alongside nondisabled peers. * that addresses the need for affordable health care, including the elimination of exclusions for pre-existing conditions. * that addresses the need for consumer-directed personal assistance services for those with physical and mental disabilities. * that provides a Social Security system that rewards independence, not dependence. ===============================================================