CLINTON-GORE ON AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES Bill Clinton and Al Gore have long recognized that people with disabilities are among the nations greatest untapped resources. They believe that all persons with disabilities must be fully integrated into mainstream American society, so they can live fulfilling and rewarding lives. During their years in public office, they have compiled strong records of supporting public and private initiatives to enhance the independence and productivity of persons with disabilities. As President and Vice President, they will continue their efforts. A Clinton/Gore Administration will actively involve people with disabilities in developing a national policy that promotes equality, opportunity, and community for all Americans. Bill Clinton and Al Gore will ensure that children with disabilities receive a first-rate education that suits their needs. People with disabilities will be able to live in their own homes, in their own communities. Adults with disabilities will work alongside their peers without disabilities. And people with disabilities will have access to comprehensive health care and consumer-driven personal assistance services. We must not rest until America has a national disability policy based on three simple creeds: inclusion, not exclusion; independence, not dependence; and empowerment, not paternalism. Americans With Disabilities Act * Work to ensure that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is fully implemented and aggressively enforced  to empower people with disabilities to make their own choices and to create a framework for independence and self-determination. Health care for all Americans * Provide all Americans with affordable, quality health coverage, either through their workplaces or through a government program; prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage based on pre- existing conditions; and contain costs by taking on the health care industries. * Expand long-term care choices for Americans with disabilities. Expand educational opportunities for children with disabilities * Work to ensure that children with disabilities receive a first- rate education, tailored to their unique needs but provided alongside their classmates without disabilities. * Support increased funding for special education services and work to improve the enforcement of laws that guarantee children with disabilities the right to a high-quality public education. * Support increased efforts to integrate children with disabilities into their schools regular activities, instead of sectioning them off in special programs where they cannot socially integrate with other students. * Expand early intervention programs in health care and education  such as Head Start  to ensure that children with disabilities live full and productive lives. Improve employment opportunities for Americans with disabilities * Increase special education, professional training, and job training efforts to reduce the extraordinarily high unemployment rate among Americans with disabilities as part of national adult education, job training, and apprenticeship programs. * Sign into law the Family and Medical Leave Act, which George Bush vetoed in 1990, so that no worker is forced to choose between keeping his or her job and caring for a newborn child or sick family member. Expand political participation * Sign into law the "Motor-Voter Act," which George Bush vetoed this year, to make it easier for people with disabilities to register to vote. The Record * As Governor, Bill Clinton increased the funding of community programs for people with disabilities by 220 percent from 1983 to 1990. * As Attorney General and Governor, recruited and employed qualified persons with disabilities on his staff. Under Governor Clinton's current administration, the State Directors of the Division of Rehabilitation Services, and the Division of Services for the Blind are qualified individuals with disabilities. * With the legislature in 1985, established the Governors Commission on People with Disabilities. The Commission has sparked more involvement and participation by persons with disabilities. * A decade before the Americans with Disabilities Act, Governor Clinton supported administrative action to permit state agencies to secure adequate accommodations for staff with disabilities, regardless of costs. * During the 1987 legislative session, provided key assistance to establish an interim Message Relay Center. The center provides statewide telephone accessibility for persons who are deaf and hard of hearing. * In 1990, established the Governor's Task Force on Supported Housing. Its mission was to recommend state legislation, policy changes and program initiatives to increase the availability of supported housing  affordable, accessible housing in integrated community settings, with appropriate support services for the elderly and people with disabilities. * In 1991-92, took action to provide additional state funds for expansion of Supported Employment Services, a vocational rehabilitation program for severely disabled people who need job coaching services and long-term support to obtain or maintain employment. * In 199, established a Governor's Task Force on In-Home and Community-Based Services for Persons with Disabilities. This task force is composed of leaders of the disability community, state agency officials and private business representatives. * Senator Gore was an original cosponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act. * Voted for the "Motor-Voter" Act, which would have made it easier for people with disabilities to register to vote. George Bush vetoed the Act.