The following is a list of CFS files which can be found on the Tucson CFS BBS in Arizona as of August 11, 1992. The BBS phone number is 1-602-790-7420. GENERAL INFORMATION DOCUMENTS NIH12-90.ZIP 10813 11-03-91 NIH Backgrounder covers CFS, revised Dec., 1990. A brief description of CFS from the point of view of the National Institutes of Health. NH90359.TXT 19517 6-12-91 NIH Publication 90-3059, CFS, Medicine for the Public NIH90484.TXT 25775 6-07-91 NIH Doc #90484, CFS, Physicians Pamphlet NSWEEK.ZIP 11695 11-23-91 Article on CFIDS from Newsweek Nov. 12, 1990. WSJ00001.TXT 6047 9-23-91 Wall Street Journal Reports on CFS, September 1991 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ONCORTST.TXT 1646 1-08-91 HTLV-II like virus test available, Oncore Analytics. NPNPRESS. 3840 7-12-91 New Parents Network BBS Press Release IG-THERA.TXT 1452 11-01-91 Intramuscular infusions of IgG better than placebo. Benefits seen in 43% of patients receiving IgG as compared with 12% of patients receiving placebo. AUS HEM10-91.ZIP 6318 10-22-91 Ampligen study information from HEM PR firm. AP news release dtd 10-01-91 and report from American Society for Microbiology Conference Journal 9/29/91-10/2/91. Ctsy Broadgate C. Inc. TREATMENTS RBMAGN.TXT 1523 8-13-91 Red Blood Cell Magnesium in CFS, by Molly Holzschlag. RBCMAG.TXT 1882 11-01-91 Red blood cell magnesium in CFS, update Letter to Lancet, found another group of CFS patients that RBC magnesium was normal in 15 and high in 5 of 20 patients. FDATHA01.TXT 5766 12-06-91 WSJ Article on FDA approval of Alzheimer's drug THA. "...There's no chance whatsoever that the agency would impose this sort of sharp limitation on an experimental drug for AIDS. Alzheimer's patients ... aren't much of a political threat." MS-CAUSE.TXT 599 10-16-91 WSJ article, 10-16-91, multiple sclerosis cause. DIAZTAG1.ZIP 3331 10-16-91 Diazinon/Tagamet Connection to Health Problems. WSJ article suggesting health risks from diazinon poisoning when using the prescription drug Tagamet. 10-16-91. RELATED ILLNESSES VALFEV02.TXT 10055 7-02-91 Valley Fever, Devil of the Dust VFEVR03.TXT 547 9-06-91 Valley Fever, Older than previously suspected. TUBER-00.TXT 6889 8-08-91 The Return of Tuberculosis CANDID01.TXT 8695 7-06-91 Candidiasis and CFS, Interview with Robert Hallowitz, MD YSTART-1.TXT 7908 7-02-91 The Yeast Theory and CFS, Part 1 YSTART-2.TXT 12609 7-02-91 The Yeast Theory and CFS, Part 2 YSTART-3.TXT 9017 7-02-91 The Yeast Theory and CFS, Part 3 DISABILITY SS1.ZIP 12555 12-08-91 Right to Disability by Mac Sasser Excellent overview of SS Disability and specific problems encountered by CFS patients. SS2.ZIP 4113 12-08-91 A Practical Approach to your Disability Claims. SS disability overview by attorney J. E. Harrxxx of South Carolina. SSPROC.ZIP 9477 8-07-91 Social Security Administration Disability Procedures written by Phoenix, AZ Atty. Sherman Bendalin, P.C. ADA.ZIP 47884 7-23-91 Americans with Disabilities Act. DIAGNOSTICS ABDIAG.TXT 1230 12-07-91 Clinical abnormalities sometimes found in CFS. A compilation of abnormalities that have been found. It is not considered to be a diagnostic list, rather some observations made by various researchers. PA.ZIP 1050 12-15-91 standard psychometric test for panic attacks ANXIETY.ZIP 1128 12-15-91 standard psychometric test to rate anxiety levels REFERRALS SUPPNETW.TXT 5566 10-02-91 CFS Leaders & Contacts, Physicians, Arizona 9-91 MEDICAL TUTORIALS EPIDEM.ZIP 926 12-16-91 A brief description of epidemiology. This information was shared by George Rutherford, MD, California State Epidemiologist and has a few notes regarding the epidemiology of CFS as of March 1991. ERGO.ZIP 1748 12-16-91 Exercise ergonometry and abnormalities in CFS. CFS patients often feel worse after exercise... certain abnormalities in the way CFS patients utilize oxygen may be implicated. Ctsy J. Daly, MD, USC RNASEAMP.ZIP 2404 12-07-91 Disscussion of the 2-5a synthetase/ RNase L pathway, and the ideology behind the use of the experimental immunomodulatory drug, AMPLIGEN. PCR.TXT 653 12-07-91 A brief description of PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). HYPSENS0.TXT 20410 7-06-91 Hypersensitivity Reactions, An Overview. CMIND.ZIP 1978 12-16-91 C-MIND System and psyhometric abnormalities in CFS. C-MIND is a computerized method using standard and new psychometric tests to evaluate memory and other brain functions. SPECT.ZIP 1262 12-16-91 SPECT scanning and abnormalities found in CFS RESEARCH BASTIEN.TXT 23424 8-30-91 CFS TALK TRANSCRIPTION BY DR. BASTIEN, GIVEN IN L.A. CFSMINN1.TXT 6483 9-26-91 CFS in Mennesota, Results from Hennepin County Medical Center study. LACONF.ZIP 166902 7-04-91 Summary of Los Angeles Conference, 1991. GOLDBERG.TXT 9344 12-13-91 Talk by Michael J. Goldberg, MD at LA CFIDS, 11/17/91. BIOGRAPHIES WWRESEAR.ZIP 3501 12-07-91 Who's Who in CFS research. A selection of brief biographies from various CFS researchers. Will be updated regularly. WWKBERNE.BIO 1191 12-08-91 Biography of Katrina Berne, PhD Psychologist, Author, and patient with CFS, biographical notes. CFS FORUM NSL4-91.TXT 19359 6-12-91 CFS Forum, April 1991 NSL5-91.TXT 50964 6-12-91 CFS Forum, May 1991 NSL6-91.ZIP 212475 6-10-91 CFS Forum, June 1991, LA Conference, etc. NSL7-91.ZIP 34434 7-06-91 CFS Forum, July 1991 NSL8-91.ZIP 15056 8-11-91 CFS Forum, August 1991 ACTIVISM TESTIMON.ZIP 5804 12-15-91 Testimony by George Rutherford, MD to Senate, 11/5/91. George Rutherford MD is the state Epidemiologist for California. This testimony was given before the Senate Committee on Public Employment and Retirement. Excellent CFS info. Ctsy. J. Crum. FUNDLET.ZIP 1020 12-15-91 Where to write letters for 1991 funding In January, 1992, a reauthorization bill about CFS funding at the NIH will be reviewed by the Senate. Letters are needed!!!!! ADVCOUN.ZIP 2656 12-08-91 Summary of First Nt'l CFS Advisory Council Meeting UMCREPT1.TXT 23954 8-13-91 Rept of the Board of Trustees, AMA. Defines CFS as "a subset of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome" & more than 2/3 have a psychiatric disorder. This was voted on but was neither approved nor disapproved. REQ4LTRS.TXT 904 1-08-91 Request by Minnann to write letters for CDC funds !! HRAPPS92.TXT 6746 7-13-91 House of Reps, Cmte on Appropriations, From Minann, Inc. RCARSON.TXT 2855 7-06-91 Fund raising efforts gain $178,500 for CFS PILLOW.TXT 2757 7-02-91 Project Pillows and Blankets for Congress. ANIMALS ANIMAL01.TXT 9432 7-06-91 Safety of Beef Products Questioned. FARMSANC.TXT 5055 7-19-91 Information from Farm Sanctuary, animal rights group, Watkins Glen, NY. Group is interested in protecting farm animals from abuse and preventing sick animals from being used for human or pet consumption. BBS INFORMATION ETIQETT.INF 9216 3-06-91 BBS etiquette primer ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS MB.DOC 9852 9-07-91 A Mind Body Approach to Healing CHIHERB.TXT 6445 8-11-91 Chinese Herbal Medicine, by B. Vincent Maier FOR THE MIND AND SPIRIT WTM1.ZIP 5281 12-15-91 Personal case history/insight by Will McGuffi Will McGuffin operates a BBS in North Carolina. He has been involved in the CFS issue for a long time...this is the first in a series of two personal stories and insights. WTM2.ZIP 10087 12-15-91 insight by Will McGuffin part II HUMOR.ZIP 4210 12-08-91 Bits of humor to lighten up your day CFIDSLIT.INF 1310 12-08-91 Information on how to order "CFIDS LITE" "CFIDS LITE" is a not-so-serious look at the very serious illness of CFIDS...a must for all CFIDS libraries. MOURNING.ZIP 4038 12-08-91 Mourning Our Losses The process of mourning what we have lost with the changes our health has caused. CFSREL.ZIP 5048 12-08-91 CF[ID]S and Relationships Tips on coping with the challenges that CFS presents in relationships. FEELINGS.ZIP 4375 12-08-91 Description of emotions that come about with CF[ID]S. Chronic illness challenges us with a variety of emotions. This article lists the most common ones and offers some insight on how to cope with them. COMMUNIC.ZIP 1617 12-08-91 Communications with others about CFS INSENSIT.ZIP 1862 12-08-91 Responding to Insensitive Comments Tips on how to deal with insensitive comments about CFS and being a CFS patient. MARTYR.ZIP 1408 12-08-91 The Noble Martyr Syndrome K. Berne PhD Living according to other's expectations... how to put CFIDS and "co-dependency" into perspective. LESSONS.ZIP 3145 12-08-91 Learning Life's Lesson The challenges and hardships of CFIDS can be used to strengthen the self. by Katrina Berne, PhD NEGEMO.ZIP 1412 12-08-91 Coping With the "Negative" CFIDS Emotions - K. Berne PhD. SURV.ZIP 2320 12-08-91 More survival oriented info from K. Berne, Ph SURVIVOR.ZIP 5879 12-08-91 Tips on surviving CFS by Katrina Berne, PhD 19GTKB.ZIP 2124 12-07-91 CFIDS humor by Katrina Berne, PhD 19 good things about having CFIDS! ATMALL.TXT 3859 11-01-91 A patient's experience of a shopping trip on a bad day. BOOK.TXT 335 12-10-91 "Could Your Doctor be Wrong?" New book by J. Goldstein NEW UPLOADS CFSGUIDE.ZIP 6624 5-24-92 The CFIDS Chronicle guide to CFIDS...what it is and what can be done about it. NATLIST.ZIP 3523 5-24-92 List of national support groups and their publications. EFAMOL.ZIP 1248 5-24-92 The use of essential fatty acids in the treatment of CFS LPACFS.ZIP 1310 5-24-92 Lymphocyte Abnormalities in CFS TALKSHOW.ZIP 512 5-24-92 List of talk show hosts and their addresses. Write to them to suggest they continue to appropriately cover the issue of CFS. BUYERS.ZIP 413 5-24-92 How to contact the CFIDS Buyers Club, which has a mail order catalog for supplements commonly used by CFS patients. SSBOOK.ZIP 274 5-24-92 Social Security Disability Benefits...How to Get Them, How to Keep Them by James Ross is a well known book about this issue. This file will tell you how to get the book. AINFHOT.ZIP 201 5-24-92 Toll free National Allergy Hotline Number GOVPUB.ZIP 570 5-24-92 List of where to get government information on CFS. BIBLIO1.ZIP 19060 5-24-92 Bibliography of references related to CFS including articles, books, and resources. Contains some but not all of the info in BIBLIO2.ZIP 15319 5-24-92 More or less the same as There are several differences between the two, but one should be enough, unless you are looking for something very specific. CHRONLET.ZIP 59988 7-19-92 Letters to the recent CFIDS Chronicle, dealin with a wide array of issues including coping treatments, disability and more. ASTHMA.ZIP 1807 7-20-92 Information on Asthma FLUCON.ZIP 4480 7-20-92 information on the drug fluconazole, an anti- fungal drug often used in systemic yeast infections. MEDITATE.ZIP 8375 7-20-92 Information on how to meditate PAIN.ZIP 7972 7-20-92 Relieving chronic pain RA.ZIP 909 7-20-92 simplified case definition of Rheumatoid Arthritis SELFEX.ZIP 33640 7-20-92 A guide to self examination for breast disease. Complete with graphics. Unzip, then type 'runme' to run. SHCH.ZIP 1687 7-20-92 Information on the Self-Help Clearinghouse, an excellent referral source for many disabilities. TS.ZIP 3468 7-20-92 Information on Toxic Shock Syndrome AMPFIGHT.ZIP 1778 7-20-92 Several CFS patients sue to continue receiving Ampligen treatment. ARTH.ZIP 6406 7-20-92 Information on degenerative forms of arthritis. CERVICAL.ZIP 4128 7-20-92 Information on cervical diseases, not including cancer. CFSR692.ZIP 19675 7-20-92 Medical reference listings regarding CFS CFSREFS9.ZIP 11049 7-20-92 More medical journal references on CFS COMPREFS.ZIP 4134 7-20-92 Computer accessible reference bases for medical issues. FIBROIDS.ZIP 2280 7-20-92 Information on uterine fibroids. KIDSTONE.ZIP 3792 7-20-92 Information on Kidney Stones. MENOPAUS.ZIP 3792 7-20-92 Information on menopause. OVARYCYS.ZIP 3085 7-20-92 Types of ovarian cysts POLYKID.ZIP 961 7-20-92 Information on Polycystic Kidney Disease. PROTEIN.ZIP 1083 7-20-92 Information on excessive protein in the urine. ROSCFS.ZIP 1031 7-20-92 Article about the investigation of a cfs outbreak in a US hospital. TUBALPRE.ZIP 2715 7-20-92 Information on tubal/ectopic pregnancy. UTERPROL.ZIP 2356 7-20-92 Information on uterine prolapse MRI.ZIP 1308 7-20-92 Description of the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) procedure. ARTHRO.ZIP 1861 7-20-92 Description of arthroscopy. BRONCH.TXT 3377 7-20-92 Description of bronchoscopy COLONSCO.TXT 3074 7-20-92 Description of colonoscopy procedure HYSTER.TXT 3186 7-20-92 Description of Hysterectomy MAMMO.ZIP 4860 7-20-92 Description of mammography PAP.ZIP 1784 7-20-92 Description of pap smear. TUBALIG.TXT 2992 7-20-92 Description of Tubal Ligation LAPRO.TXT 3067 7-20-92 Description of Laparotomy procedure. ENDOSCOP.ZIP 1900 7-20-92 Description of Endoscope procedure ANGIOPLA.TXT 5658 7-20-92 Description of Angioplasty MIGRAINE.ZIP 4472 7-20-92 Information on migraines. ALZHEIM.ZIP 8123 7-20-92 Description of Alzheimer's disease. CHOLEST.TXT 4346 7-20-92 Information on cholesterol