INVOICE TO: FROM: Virtual Magic Software _________________________________ P.O. Box 615 Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703 _________________________________ _________________________________ CompuServe: 70304,2045 Prodigy: CJKH33A _________________________________ _________________________________ ___ copies of ToyBox II @ $29.00 each ________ New Jersey residents add 7% sales tax ________ ($2.03 per copy) TOTAL ________ Disk Size: ___ 3.5" ___ 5.25" You can also order by credit card (VISA, MC, AmEx, Discover) from Public (software) Library by calling 800-242-4PsL (from overseas: 713-524-6394) or by FAX (713-524-6398) or via CompuServe (71355,470). These numbers are for ordering only. Virtual Magic Software can NOT be reached at these numbers. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The following information is entirely voluntary: 1. Which of the following do you have on your computer system? Floppy Drives: ___ 3.5" (720K) ___ 5.25" (360K) ___ 3.5" (1.4M) ___ 5.25" (1.2M) Video Display: ___ EGA ___ VGA ___________________Other Mouse: ___ Yes ___ No 2. Where did you obtain your shareware copy of ToyBox II? ______________________________________________________ 3. Which of the following age groups will be using ToyBox II? ___ Pre-School ___ Junior High ___ Adult ___ Elementary ___ High School