______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, California Read Our Blips # 2 8/1/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ This is a copy of a FAX from Bob Hayden, California Chair for the Perot Petition Committee, received in the Pasadena, CA office (current state HQ) on Thursday July 30, 1992. Part 1 TO: ALL PEROT PETITION VOLUNTEERS California From: Bob Hayden (signed) Date: July 29, 1992 RE: Status report on Dallas Meetings Formation of National Organization Representatives of the 50 states met today in Dallas to continue dialog and formulate a plan towards our goal of creating a national organization. The morning's activities began with a report from each state on the following: - The status of ballot confirmation of Ross Perot's candidacy in their state - The general consensus in each state as to their desire of volunteers to join in a national movement - The status of volunteer support in general Several more states have turned their petitions since the last meeting in Dallas and others reported that they have reconfirmed that Ross's name will stay on the ballot unless Ross himself were to request removal. In all instances where necessary, Ross is providing affidavits to confirm his placement on the ballot. Without exception, each state affirmed the desire of the volunteers to continue the work which we all began in February to impact the political process and to bring about change and accountability from our elected officials. Furthermore, all states indicated solid support for a national movement to continue this work between now and the elections in November and beyond. In the early afternoon, the delegates were given draft copies of Ross's economic platform which will soon be published. Ross expressed his regret that due to publishing restrictions, copies of the book cannot be made available at this time but promised it would be out within three weeks and will be dedicated to the volunteers. Contributions equal to any profits received by Ross from the publication, will go towards the work of the organization. Ross then met with the group for about an hour, taking questions and expressing his delight and support for the commitment of the organization to continue to fight for change. The focus was continually brought back to the importance of the issues verses the individual. Ross also stressed the significance of forcing all candidates for elected office to address THE ISSUES and to be held accountable. Ross then cautioned the group about sticking together and avoid splintering in order to have the greatest impact saying that a united movement could in fact choose the next President and significantly impact the congress. He said we should have one goal and always filter our decisions with one key question, "Is this good for our people and good for our country?" He reiterated that he will stay on the ballot in all states to give the people leverage and would only remove his name if asked to. He cautioned against being "used" by the major parties and against making hasty decisions. Force ALL candidates to address the issues and beware of false promises. Following Ross' visit, the group broke into committees to discuss key issues such as mission, structure, strategy, fund raising and activities. Those committees met late into the night and will continue again on Thursday. Details of funding will follow but we have obtained a commitment to fund at least one office per state, and in larger states like California, consideration will be given to more offices. Clearly however, we will need to supplement Ross's support with fund raising of our own. We expect our meetings will conclude on Friday, July 31st. Upon returning to California, we will schedule meetings around the state to answer questions and bring you all the details we can. Thank you for your continuing support. Keep the Faith! ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, National Read Our Blips # 4 8/4/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand - Perot Petition Committees 6606 LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75240 August 3, 1992 To: Perot Volunteers Nationwide From: Orson Swindle Interim National Director We have a great task ahead of us that requires a ton of work, lots of knowledge, understanding, patience and tolerance. The beauty of what we are all about -- our program -- includes individualism, standing on principles, love of country, speaking out, demanding accountability of our elected leaders -- all the very essence of a democratic people. It is difficult to bring together such a diverse group of strong-minded and conscientious citizens under some formal structure and organization in such a brief time. Some political parties work decades on this and never achieve it. Our very nature is independence of thought, ideas, and actions. Let us not forsake these qualities....but, remember, UNITED WE STAND, divided we will certainly fall as well as fail. The meeting of representatives from each state just concluded in Dallas was a unique experience. Although they were diverse in thought, philosophy, and geographical region, there was unanimous agreement on formalizing our grassroots movement and the principles and goals we seek that have been inspired by Ross Perot. Many options, ideas, missions, names and strategies were presented in a truly democratic way. Needless to say, there were disagreements. However,in the final analysis -- just as with our founding fathers at the signing of the Declaration of Independence -- we all concluded that we must get on with it. We will assuredly have growing pains, but I would appeal to each of you to consider what is at stake, and what destruction personal agendas can bring to this unique moment in our country's history. The representatives who gathered in Dallas this past week and who accomplished so much were chosen by the field representatives of the Perot Petition Committee in Dallas. The choices were essentially those with whom the field coordinators and Ross Perot himself were most knowledgeable and with whose leadership and organizational skills they were most comfortable. The choices in many cases were difficult, but they were logical and well considered. At some point, leadership choices have to be made, or the ship of state meanders...look at the GOP! The accomplishments of this past week in Dallas indicate the choices were darned good ones, for they brought together a mix of personalities, experiences, knowledge, strong commitment to the movement, and an obvious ability to work together. Having had many hours of conversation with Ross personally, I can assure you he was pleased with the group present - - very pleased. It is time to set aside personal agendas. Ross and his staff are comfortable with the leadership and contributions of those who met in Dallas. We have but a few weeks until election day. If we are to attain our goals, there is simply no time for internal struggles which at best indicate more interest in personal agendas than concern for the country and commitment to Ross and this beautiful, refreshing grassroots movement. At the worst, personal agendas and bickering will destroy the movement...and it may never reappear. Think about these points: We have joined together because we care about the future of our country. Ross Perot has articulated and courageously spoken of our concerns. He asked us to get him on the ballots in all 50 states, and we are progressing nicely. He said he will not campaign in the conventional sense. He will give the nation a world class campaign by a volunteer movement and by forthrightly addressing the issues before our people. He will not ask for votes, but will do exactly as he said he would...place the problems and his proposed solutions squarely before both Democrats and Republicans, and the American people who will make the ultimate choices. He will continue to do this in world class fashion. His name will be on the ballots in all 50 states. And the American people will have the chance to elect him President. Please, folks, let's cut out the internal positioning and get on with the really important issue at hand...insuring the election of Ross Perot as the next President. Accept the appointed leadership! We have work to do. We will settle the issue of permanent leadership beginning on November 4th. Let's work together for a greater cause than ourselves! I need your help. Ross needs your support. The country needs your spirit, your enthusiasm, your commitment, and your very soul! Semper Fi, (Signed) Orson Swindle ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, National Read Our Blips # 5 8/13/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America Purpose United We Stand America is an organization whose mission is to unite to return the sovereignty of America to her people. We who remain united share a sincere concern for our country, a commitment to change, a deep dissatisfaction with current political processes, and a desire to take our country back. Preamble We the people... ... recognize that our republic was founded as a government of the people, by the people and for the people, unite to restore the integrity of our economic and political systems. We commit ourselves to organize, to educate, to participate in the political process, and to hold our public servants accountable. We shall rebuild our country, renew its economic, moral, and social strength, and return the sovereignty of America to her people. United We Stand America will do: 1. Actively influence the platforms of those candidates running for office on November 3, 1992, and pursue commitments form them on the real issues that need to be resolved. 2. Continue the petition efforts to get Ross Perot on the ballots in all 50 states because that creates the most visible leverage for state and national candidates to commit to our issues platform. This also represents a choice, should both parties attempt to pay only lip service or simply ignore the movement. 3. Publish an issues platform in book form entitled United We Stand (available in late August, 1992). Much of the content is an elaborated version of the things Ross Perot has said from the beginning of his nationwide petition drive. The book will be dedicated to all the volunteers who rose to the occasion and became the spirit of this movement. 4. Prepare a synopsis of the key positions which can be used as a discussion document with state and national candidates and national party operatives within each state. This allows for open dialogue on the issues. Later, agreements can be drawn up for the active candidates to sign as their pledge to United We Stand America issues. These will become performance criteria by which elected officials can be held a accountable. 5. Remain neutral to parties, political factions,or interest groups. Remain focused on the meaningful debate of the issues, and on driving the candidates to address these issues and commit to meaningful action. Then, through public forums, small group gatherings, media releases, and public dialogue with candidates, United We Stand America will continue to inform additional voters, and enlist their active involvement in what must be done to solve the real problems of this country and what the candidates are prepared to do about it. 6. United We Stand America state coordinators will address life after November 3, 1992, and lay out the ground rules and by laws of a permanent, nonpartisan foundation to continue the drive towards reform. This will ensure that our cause will not be dismissed after candidates are elected. United We Stand America will not preclude the possibility of becoming a political party at some future time, should the two major parties refuse to move away from special interest influences. However, it is not the intent of United We Stand America at this time to pursue that option. This does not imply that we can select and sponsor candidates if necessary. 7. Eight of the state coordinators, with Orson Swindle of Hawaii acting as Executive Director, will serve as the coordinating steering panel for the national movement for the remainder of the year. This will enable United We Stand America to focus on the immediate three-month thrust and to transition to the ongoing organization. The Dallas group will provide a supporting role through this period to year end, until United We Stand America is able to fully operate after the election. ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, National Read Our Blips # 6 8/27/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ New York Perot petitions submitted! Petitions have been submitted in 46 states, including New York. 37 have been certified, 9 are awaiting certification (NY, GA, MO, OR, SC, DC, IL, ND, WI), and 5 are still in process (MS, VT, HI, NM, AZ). Will Perot run? "I wouldn't have a choice," he said on NBC's Today show 8/19, asserting that he belongs to the volunteers that put his name on the ballot. "I do belong to them, and it would be their decision, whatever they feel is appropriate." In another interview he said that the chances of him re-entering the race were one in a thousand and that surely the major parties would start addressing the issues. ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, National Read Our Blips #7 8/28/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ NY Times Best Seller! "United We Stand: How We Can Take Back Our Country" by Ross Perot will hit the New York Times Best Seller List September 6, according to publisher Hyperion. The book is available for $4.95 at major retail outlets. Proceeds go to the volunteer efforts of "United We Stand America." Volume discounts are available from Lauren Planit at (212) 522-5066: $1.75 each for 10,000 $2.25 each for 1,000 $2.50 each for 500 ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, California Read Our Blips #8 8/30/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ California Convention Scheduled! The California Perot State Forum has been scheduled for September 11, 12, 13 in San Jose, California. Important state issues will be addressed. For more information: (714) 752-7677. ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, National Read Our Blips # 9 9/2/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ Live From New York: Perot on Ballot...It's Official! "New York thanks you for all your support. A special thanks to those of you who came here and worked beside us. We got Perot on the NY Ballot." Thus came the report this morning from the New York petition committee. ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, National Read Our Blips # 10 9/3/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ "How Stupid Do They Think We Are?" That's the title of the OP-ED piece by Ross Perot in the New York Times last Sunday, August 30. "The parties still haven't heard the wake-up call...I am actively supporting them (the petition committee volunteers)...the President's (deficit) check-off box is a gimmick..." For more, download STUPID.TXT from library 5. ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, National Read Our Blips # 11 9/4/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ Electronic March on Washington -- Non-partisan Angry about the state of politics in our country? Let Congress know just how mad we really are. . E-March I Tuesday, October 6 Before or During the Debates E-March II Tuesday, October 27 One Week Before Elections E-March III Tuesday, January 21 New Admin's First Tuesday . Who Can March? Anyone with a phone, fax modem, or fax machine! . Send Congress an UNMISTAKEABLE message that we the people still own the country. The E-March is non-partisan. Your political message is up to you. We provide phone & fax numbers. Suggested messages: . Accountability to CONSTITUENTS, not special interests Eliminating PACS and campaign contributions from non-constituents Term Limitations, Priviledge Limitations . Download the self-unzipping file EMARCH.EXE from Library 5 of Compuserve VOTEFORUM. Post this message and the file EMARCH.EXE everywhere you can. ______________________________________________________________________________ Please print, post, and proliferate ______________________________________________________________________________ UWSA CA, 11671 National Blvd., LA, CA 90064 (310)996-8810 Fax:8818 Hot:8822