______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, National Read Our Blips # 19 9/19/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ It's Unanimous: Perot on 50 Ballots Friday, September 18, 1992, Ross Perot's name was submitted for the ballot in Arizona. 70,000 signatures, collected in blistering heat, were presented -- 10,000 was the requirement. United We Stand America offices around the nation celebrated this historic occasion. He will be on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The lever is in place. But will the politicians move? ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, California Read Our Blips # 21 9/26/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ Rumor Control Bob Hayden, California State Coordinator for UWSA, responded this morning to confusing reports in the national press as follows: - State Coordinators are meeting in Dallas on Monday. - At the request of the Democratic and Republican parties, their representatives will present party positions to the group at that meeting. - Ross Perot has no plans to announce that he is reactivating his presidential campaign on Monday. But, we can expect a decision by the end of the week. ______________________________________________________________________________ United We Stand America, California Read Our Blips # 23 9/29/92 ______________________________________________________________________________ Dallas Meeting Notes from Bob Hayden: Bob Hayden met with volunteers around the state Tuesday and Wednesday to share his impressions of Monday's Dallas meeting and to hear views on what position UWSA should take and whether Ross Perot should reactivate his presidental campaign. From his notes: - Ross is in good spirits and said "This wonderful group is outstanding and I have the greatest admiration for you. And the only better ones are those you represent." - The meetings with Democratic and Republican representatives should be viewed as a unique opportunity of political historical significance. Not even the Party's 1000 Club contributors get this type of briefing. Ross had asked to video these presentations, but his request was denied. - Both parties expressed high regard for citizen, businessman, and patriot Perot. They acknowledged the level of severity of the problems facing the country but did not plan to take unpopular political stands to cure them. Neither contingent said they would make changes as a result of the meeting. Neither party acknowledged that their economic plans or deficit reduction projections were based upon optimistic growth rates. - The democrats "agree with 80%" of the Perot platform, but declined to say which 80%. They stressed that a Perot reactivation could get Bush re-elected. On the Perot plan, they stressed that trying to do too much too quickly could put country into depression. - The Republicans "agree with 75%" of the Perot platform, but declined to say which 75%. They presented fewer details in their own plans than in their criticisms of the Democratic plans. - Q & A sample: - Is a bank crises coming? No response. - Would Clinton pledge to reduce deficit by 50% in 4 yr term? He should not be asked to pledge. - Does Bush accept PAC money? No, but the Republican party does. - Would you cut your salary? I think I earn it. - Information received remains far short of our objective regarding the critical issues.