HHHHHH HHHHHH HHHHHH H H HHHHHH H H HHHHHH H H H HH H H H H H H HHHHH HHHHHH HHHH H H H HHHH H H H HHHHHH H H H H HHH H H H H H HHHHHH H HHHHHH H HH HHHHHH HHHHH HHHHHH Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Electronic Newsletter -------------------------------------------------------------------- No. 6 October 18, 1992 Washington DC -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS >>>1. Reports from British Assoc. for the Advancement of Science >>>2. Medical publications update >>>3. CFIDS Chronicle: September issue The editor thanks Sandy Shaw for the tip on Fidonet echo line-wrap. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >>>1. Reports from British Assoc. for the Advancement of Science Several reports presented at the recent annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science indicate that CFS has an organic cause, according to an article which appeared in The Medical Post of September 15, 1992. Research by Dr. Stuart Butler of the Burden Neurological Institute in Bristol showed that CFS patients have brainwave disturbances similar to those prompted by organic illnesses, and were not prompted by depression. Dr. Geoffrey Clements of the regional virus laboratory in Glasgow conducted tests using sophisticated DNA procedures showing that nearly half of the CFS subjects have a chronic viral infection. Dr. Andrew Smith of the Health Psychology Research Unit at the University of Wales College of Cardiff, who previously had done work linking CFS with depression, now says "There is now a lot of evidence, not just from our studies, of abnormalities of an organic nature." [The information above is based on a news article that was sent to CFS-NEWS by Mr. Sandy Shaw. The article is titled "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Linked to Brain Disorder" and it appeared in the weekly Medical Post (published in Toronto), September 15, 1992, page 68. The entire article is on file on Mr. Shaw's BBS, the WholeBit News on Computers BBS, Ottawa, Canada, tel. 1-613-521-3690. It is in file area CFS, filename BRAIPINV.TXT.] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >>>2. Medical publications update [The following was contributed by Mr. Steve Clancy. He is the sysop of the Wellspring BBS which is a service of the Biomedical Library of the University of California at Irvine.] This CFS UPDATE is a review of the current medical literature on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and is presented as a public service by the Wellspring RBBS. The presence or absence of any information in this review should not be taken as advocating one method of treatment over another, and should not be construed as providing medical advice or diagnosis. The references may be taken from various sources and should be used for educational purposes only. Databases accessed may include the MEDLINE online database produced by the National Library of Medicine, as well as other online and print sources. This listing is NOT a complete review, but represents a selection. Further information may be obtained from the U.C. Irvine, Biomedical Library, or from your local medical library. STEVE CLANCY, M.L.S., WELLSPRING RBBS 1-714-856-7996 1-714-846-5087 ------------------------------------------------------ Berneman ZN; Gallo RC; Ablashi DV; Frenkel N; Katsafanas G; Kramarsky B; Brus I. HUMAN HERPESVIRUS 7 (HHV-7) STRAIN JI: INDEPENDENT CONFIRMATION OF HHV-7 [letter]. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1992 Sep, 166(3):690-1. O'Sullivan SJ. ALLEGED LINK BETWEEN HEPATITIS B VACCINE AND CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 Aug 15, 147(4):399, 402. Fuchs D; Weiss G; Wachter H. PATHOGENESIS OF CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1992 Aug, 53(8):296. Murray JB. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1992 Jun, 74(3 Pt 2):1123-36. Levine PH; Jacobson S; Pocinki AG; Cheney P; Peterson D; Connelly RR; Weil R; Robinson SM; Ablashi DV; Salahuddin SZ; et aL. CLINICAL, EPIDEMIOLOGIC, AND VIROLOGIC STUDIES IN FOUR CLUSTERS OF THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1992 Aug, 152(8):1611-6. Katon W; Russo J. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME CRITERIA: A CRITIQUE OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR MULTIPLE PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1992 Aug, 152(8):1604-9. Straus SE. DEFINING THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME [editorial; comment]. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1992 Aug, 152(8):1569-70. Chao CC; DeLaHunt M; Hu S; Close K; Peterson PK. IMMUNOLOGICALLY MEDIATED FATIGUE: A MURINE MODEL. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 1992 Aug, 64(2):161-5. Pamphlett R; O'Donoghue P. ANTIBODIES AGAINST SARCOCYSTIS AND TOXOPLASMA IN HUMANS WITH THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 1992 Jun, 22(3):307-8. Dooley DP. COMMERCIAL LABORATORY TESTING FOR CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Jama, 1992 Aug 19, 268(7):873-4. Howard JM; Davies S; Hunnisett A. MAGNESIUM AND CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Lancet, 1992 Aug 15, 340(8816):426. Schon B. TETRACYCLINES IN MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS -- FAD OR FACT? [editorial]. South African Medical Journal, 1992 Jul, 82(1):3-4. Phillips N. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 1992 Jun, 26(2):329-30. Hickie I; Lloyd A; Wakefield D. IMMUNOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DYSFUNCTION IN PATIENTS RECEIVING IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 1992 Jun, 26(2):249-56. Alexander EL; Kumar AJ; Kozachuk WE. THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME CONTROVERSY [letter]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1992 Aug 15, 117(4):343-4. Reeves WC; Pellett PE; Gary H Jr. THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME CONTROVERSY [letter]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1992 Aug 15, 117(4):343; discussion 344. Schluederberg A; Straus SE; Peterson P; Blumenthal S; Komaroff AL; Spring SB; Landay A; Buchwald D. NIH CONFERENCE: CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME RESEARCH -- DEFINITION AND MEDICAL OUTCOME ASSESSMENT. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1992 Aug 15, 117(4):325-31. Rand KH. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME: FACT OR FICTION. Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Medical Section of the American Council of Life Insurance, 1991:135-44. Byrne E. THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME: A REAPPRAISAL AND UNIFYING HYPOTHESIS. Clinical and Experimental Neurology, 1991, 28:128-38. Costa DC; Brostoff J; Douli V; Ell PJ. POSTVIRAL FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Bmj, 1992 Jun 13, 304(6841):1567. Curtis D; Bullock T. POSTVIRAL FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Bmj, 1992 Jun 13, 304(6841):1566-7. Hatcher S. POSTVIRAL FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Bmj, 1992 Jun 13, 304(6841):1566; discussion 1567. Bevan JS. POSTVIRAL FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Bmj, 1992 Jun 13, 304(6841):1566; discussion 1567. Steer RG. ECHOVIRUS 16 ORCHITIS AND POSTVIRAL FATIGUE SYNDROME [letter]. Medical Journal of Australia, 1992 Jun 1, 156(11):816. McCluskey DR; Riley MS. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME. Comprehensive Therapy, 1992 Apr, 18(4):13-6. Kminek A. [CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME]. Ceskoslovenska Pediatrie, 1992 Apr, 47(4):226-9 [Language: Czech]. Green K. IT COULD BE M.E. [letter]. Health Visitor, 1992 Jun, 65(6):212. Shepherd C; Lees H. M.E.: IS IT A GENUINE DISEASE? Health Visitor, 1992 May, 65(5):165-7. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >>>3. CFIDS Chronicle: September issue The CFIDS Chronicle Physician's Forum for September 1992 is now available. This issue is titled "CFIDS: The Diagnosis of a Distinct Illness". A summary of the contents follows: Section I: Descriptive Articles CFS: Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment. Bell DS. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Calabrese L, Danoa T, Camara E, Wilke W. The Diagnosis of CFS: An Assertive Approach. Cheney PR, Lapp WC. The Diagnosis of CFS as a Limbic Encephalopathy. Goldstein JA. Diagnosing CFS: Principles and Pitfalls for the Patient, Physician, and Researcher. Hickie I, Waksefield D. Diagnosing CFIDS: An Immunologist's Approach. Klimas NG. Section II: Clinical Comments; by Jones JF, Komaroff AL, Natelson BH, Peterson DL. Section III: Research Articles CFS Research at the Centers for Disease Control. CDC CFS Research Group. CFS and Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Similarities and Differences. Yunus MB. Protocol for Cognitive Assessment of CFIDS. Sandman CA, Moore S. The MMPI-2 CFS Profile. Iger LM. 2'-5' Oligo-Adenylate Synthetase and RNase-L: Key Enzymes in the Antiviral Defense Mechanism. Herst CV. This issue is available for $10.00 (North Carolina residents must add 6% sales tax). Regular subscriptions are $25.00 per year in the U.S., $35.00 in Canada, $45.00 for overseas/airmail. Send payments, in U.S. funds only, to: CFIDS Association, Inc. P.O. Box 220398 Charlotte, NC 28222-0398 USA PWCs may request a financial waiver for the subscription; state a reason and include material to substantiate extreme financial hardship. =================================================================== CFS-NEWS is an independent newsletter edited by Roger Burns in Wash ington D.C. and is distributed on Internet and Fidonet. Back issues are on file on the CFIDS/CFS BBS in Maine USA at tel. 1-207-623-8486 available from 12:00 mid-day to 12:00 midnight Eastern Time. Sugges tions and contributions of news may be sent via Internet to CFS-NEWS @LIST.NIH.GOV, or via Fido NetMail to CFS-NEWS at 1:109/432, or post a message to the CFS echo. Copyright (c) 1992 by Roger Burns. Perm ission is granted to excerpt this document if the source (CFS-NEWS) is cited. Permission is also granted to reproduce the entirety of this document unaltered. Note that Fido and Fidonet are registered marks of Tom Jennings and Fido Software. =================================================================== INTERNET users are encouraged to obtain the RESOURCE file and other CFS files at the NIH file server. To obtain the resource file send Internet e-mail to the address SERVER@CU.NIH.GOV with the subject line GET FTP CFS.RESOURCE (the message text is ignored). Or log in via anonymous ftp to cu.nih.gov or with password=guest, directory=CFS, filename=RESOURCE. Distribution of CFS-NEWS on the Internet is sponsored by the NIH Computing Utility; however, this independent newsletter does not represent the views of the National Institutes of Health. 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