THE WATCHER Lived longer, than care to remember each passing life, an undying ember burning ever hotter in my heart, but the waiting's tearin' my soul apart. All these years, I've been watchin' silently as people 'round me were slaughtered blindly. Inquisition, tore apart the land Under the guise of the Lords hand. With Cross & Sword, the Crusaders went, Ten Thousand Saracens to hell they sent. To free Jerusalem they left 'tis said, But many, went for the loot & glory to be had. Hitler had a plan for millions, Only wished he could kill in Billions. Stalin beat him without trying, Now there's no one left to do the crying. Johnson found a way to stop the baby-boom, Sent thousands of soldiers to their doom. All these years I watched and cried, As millions, 'round me needlesly died. GW 11-9-83