************HEAVEN IN FLAMES BULLETIN NUMBER 1************** TOPIC: Quantum effects in the macrocosmic world. DATE: 1 September 1992 (v 1.1) It is a common misconception in the physics community that quantum effects only prevail at the sub-atomic level, and that Newtonian laws prevail in the macrocosmic level of existence. WRONG. This is like saying that there is something essentially different about dollars and pennies, because dollars are made of paper and pennies are made of metal. But a hundred pennies still compose a dollar in an underlying if not literal sense. By the same token, quantum effects can make themselves apparent in the macrocosmic world. You just have to know where to look and, more importantly, how to reconceptualize the macrocosmic world. First, let's define what is meant by quantum effects. In quantum mechanics the observation of matter defines its existence. That is, an electron does not exist as an independently defined particle prior to an observation of it. Before we look for an electron it exists only as the possibility of an electron, defined as an "electron cloud" surrounding the nucleus. It is in fact nothing more than a quantum wave form which collapses into a particle once an observation is made. This is a typical quantum effect. Similarly, light behaves as a wave and as a particle (a photon) depending on the means we use to observe it. But at the level of existence to which we are all accustomed things appear the way they are and seem utterly unchangeable. After all, if you leave your home all the things in it don't dematerialize because you're not there to observe them, nor can you choose to make a cat into a dog just because you wish to observe it is a dog. In other words, objects which can be observed with the unaided eye appear to be consistent at all times. WHY? How is it possible that, at the subatomic level reality is malleable to an almost unbelievable degree (and I've only scratched the surface here -- those familiar with quantum theory know that time can run backwards and forwards and that information can travel faster-than-light) and yet we all participate in a consensual reality base in real time? ANSWER: Until now, a crucial component has been missing in our model of what reality is. Each of us has an individual consciousness. But we exist against a ground which is known as REFERENT CONSCIOUSNESS. This is an admittedly radical new definition of the Godhead, but bare with me. Many -- including some world-renown scientists -- conceptualize The Creator as the Being who set the universe in motion, then just sat back and watched it as a child would watch a spinning toy. Some even question the need for a Creator at all, postulating a universe which came into existence spontaneously. But we need a Creator to recreate the universe nano-second by nano-second, a universal observer who watches each and every atom of matter everywhere at all times. Referent Consciousness sees all, which is what establishes the reality of mass and energy for each of us. With me so far? Now the question is, if an individual physicist, working in his individual lab can create an individual sub-atomic particle by observation, what can referent consciousness do? Answer: PLENTY. Which brings us to the topic of manifestations. For those of you wishing to participate in exercise one: the volitionally- induced movement of very low mass objects in very low density space, the following texts are assigned reading: The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav Chaos by James Gleick Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Mind and Matter by F. David Peat. The I Ching ( the Princeton University Press Edition ONLY) by Wilhelm. Look in the mirror. THIS IS THE RETURN OF THE JEDI. THIS IS THE MANIFEST NATION. WELCOME TO THE MAJOR LEAGUES OF WEIRD. All inquiries: Joshua Koerner HEAVEN IN FLAMES INC. 200 Centre Ave Suite 3D New Rochelle, NY 10805 or via SENYNET send a SASE, with 52 cents postage, for sample publications. entire contents (c) 1992 by HEAVEN IN FLAMES INC. permission to reproduce in all media is granted. MANIFEST NATION is a registered tm of HEAVEN IN FLAMES INC. Welcome to the major leagues of weird is a tm of HEAVEN IN FLAMES INC.