************HEAVEN IN FLAMES BULLETIN NUMBER 2********* Topic: The structure of reality Date: 5 September 1992 [This is second in a series of lectures. Be sure you have read bulletin 1, Quantum effects in the macrocosmic world, available as HEAVEN1.ZIP, a text file, first] Einstein demonstrated that spacetime had a structure, that empty space could be "bent" or "depressed" by the presence of an object of sufficiently large mass, such as a planet. But does reality have a structure? Just as matter and energy are complimentary sides of the same coin, David Bohm, Professor of Physics at Birkbeck College, University of London, has postulated that quantum effects could be explained by the existence of complimentary orders of reality. Within the explicate order, all parts of the universe appear to be separate and discrete. Particles, people and planets are all self-contained explicit forms. The compliment he termed the implicate order, in which all things were bound into a unified wholeness. Unfortunately, there is by definition something wholly inexplicable about the implicate order. After all, our thought patterns are based around concepts, and a concept is a discrete package of information. The undifferentiated wholeness of the implicate order precludes any understanding of it, except on the most mystical level. But the whole point of this series is to construct a theological model which is NOT mystical (at least in the traditional sense), NOT metaphysical but physical, empirical and understandable. So instead let's reconceive reality in terms of two complimentary systems. One is dimensional. The other is holographic. The dimensional system, akin to the particle nature of reality, allows us to locate events in three or four or twenty four dimensions. It has the advantage of allowing us to use a common coordinate system to access information. Look up 90 degrees and west 45 degrees and there's the Big Dipper. Wait 12 hours and 35 minutes and we can designate the start of a new day ... or a new millennium. Yet what we gain through the use of common coordinates we lose in terms of efficiency. In dimensional spacetime we are forced to go through all the intermediate points when traveling from point A to point Z, through all the intermediate minutes when traveling from midnight to midday. Imagine a dictionary which had only a single definition per page. Think how much time you'd spend thumbing through it to get to the information you needed! Which brings us to holographically structured systems. This is the wave-like, continuous nature of reality. A hologram, if cut in half, does not yield two halves of the original picture -- it yields two whole pictures, each of which is half the size of the original. Our dictionary now has every definition printed on every page. Unfortunately, here we are forced to sacrifice our common coordinates. We have no way of knowing where on the page the information is to be found! However: we CAN tell that the WHOLE of what we are perceiving is, in fact, a dictionary. Those of you familiar with chaos theory can see a kind of two-dimensional holographic structure in a mandelbrot set, which is a plot of points generated from a non-linear equation. As you look "deeper" into the picture, you see the repetition of the same characteristic form, sort of like an abstract snowman, over and over, smaller and smaller, which never resolves. Chaos theory is an important adjunct to quantum theory. What it shows is that, although structures and events may indeed be random in the coordinate sense, they are randomized in a manner which itself is patterned in the holographic sense. We see this in nature all the time. Take branching. The branched structure of a tree is highly similar to the branched structure of bronchi in the lungs. It is axiomatic of chaos theory that a butterfly beating its wings in Brazil can generate a tornado in Texas. While this may not be the literal case it does speak to the degree to which a complex system, such as the global meteorological system, is sensitive to input from an almost infinite number of sources. What are the practical applications for all this theory? Please examine the following chart of dualities which occur in nature: coordinate structure | holographic structure ______________________________________________________________________________ matter | energy linear | non-linear particle | wave Newtonian effects | quantum effects cause & effect | synchronicity brain | mind individual mind | mass consciousness God and humans: discrete entities | immediate, continuous access What does it all mean? It means the structure of the whole universe is contained in every part thereof. It means you are both an individual entity and part of something much, much bigger. It means you can move a mountain with your mind. Virtual reality is a misnomer. It should be called virtual virtual reality, because reality itself is virtual. You can uplink to referent consciousness to input the system. This is the basis for telekinetic effects. It isn't necessary to move the whole mountain. You only have to move a single molecule -- the entire structure will then be influenced due to its holographic integrity. For those of you wishing to participate in exercise one: the volitionally- induced movement of very low mass objects in very low density space, the following texts are assigned reading: The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav Chaos by James Gleick Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Mind and Matter by F. David Peat. The I Ching ( the Princeton University Press Edition ONLY) by Wilhelm. Look in the mirror. THIS IS THE RETURN OF THE JEDI. THIS IS THE MANIFEST NATION. WELCOME TO THE MAJOR LEAGUES OF WEIRD. All inquiries and comments: Joshua Koerner HEAVEN IN FLAMES INC. 200 Centre Ave Suite 3D New Rochelle, NY 10805 or via SENYNET send a SASE, with 52 cents postage, for sample publications. entire contents (c) 1992 by HEAVEN IN FLAMES INC. permission to reproduce in all media is granted. MANIFEST NATION is a registered tm of HEAVEN IN FLAMES INC. Welcome to the major leagues of weird is a tm of HEAVEN IN FLAMES INC.