The central premise of what you are about to read is without apology that the erosion of a male dominated America is quickly reaching critical mass where the social order and future of the country will soon become at risk of disintegration at worst or a kind of psychological miserable existence at best. Surely some of what will be said will not set well with those who have pandered to the myths of feminism and the doctrinaire politically correct; however, I ask that you read it through and then give it some thought before any knee jerk condemnations of the writing as the death throws of the paranoid macho. The most recent evidences of sensational headlines and media coverage of supposed horrid male behavior are the Supreme Court decision to protect the so called woman's right to privacy by ruling that she does not have to consult her husband before having an abortion, and another event of the suspension of Navy officers for a sexually oriented negative banner against a Congresswoman. Inherent in these two separate events is the reality that the classic role of men has been redirected to a kind of undefined and weakened existence. If the husband is not even to have the right to know when his own child is to be terminated, then what can be said of the value of the marriage or his role as head of a household? Clearly not much. If Navy pilots are relieved of duty because they dare to show a kind of macho that is relied upon in war but seen as anti-women in peace, then we best hope any military adversaries the Navy may face are as well behaved as the remaining sensitive males in the Navy. The above merely shows two small examples of a much larger and dangerous social environment: 1. What man can deny that he enjoys looking at an attractive woman and thinking about how sex might be with her? If the man is single, then why not see if he can attract a woman he is attracted to? Go ahead, but be aware that you may well be accused of being a sexist pig or subjected to sexual harassment charges. Of course your own self image and career matter little in this equation. 2. In earlier years the man would go hunting and bring home the bacon as it were. Now he works in the office or other locations, but still is more than interested in providing for a woman and children to the best of his abilities. Now what does he hear in return? He is expected to be a kind of mushy sensitive male who is willing to cook food, clean house, nurture the family, and in short do what he classically relied upon the woman to do. where is she? Complaining about how all he is interested in is sex and how she is not appreciated for her mind. What's wrong with this picture? 3. Men have traditionally sought to get the job done and done well. This takes a kind of assertiveness that comes naturally to the male. Obviously he is capable of fair thinking and providing opportunities to others to excel, but where is he now? He has learned to conform to the politically correct strategies that emphasize cooperation without much regard for productivity, competition, or drive. Small wonder the American economy is declining at an alarming rate. We've replaced no- nonsense management with a kind of mushy "make everyone feel good" and "be understanding" undifferentiated environment. 4. Men have always believed in "equal pay for equal work", but that is really not the question at all. the real question is who is responsible for what? If the woman manages the home and nurtures the children into emotionally sound adults, has she not performed a critical service to the family and society? Of course and her rewards are economic from the work of the husband, moral from the preservation of the family, social from her ability to contribute to the community well being, and personal from her knowing she has upheld the foundation upon which any society can prosper. This attitude is currently met with a kind of vicious barrage of accusation and venom from the feminist view that expectations of women that do not arise from the feminist anti- oppression doctrine are by definition abhorrent male subjugation of women. So the bottom line is that family, home, community and society by extension can go to hell as long as the natural state of women is perverted by feminist who have no capacity to love, but only blame males for their lost sense of womanhood. Get real! 5. There was a time when our leaders would stand up for something and make no bones about their maleness. Now we've got Bill clinton falling all over himself to ensure that he does not offend the "pro-choice" organizations. H. Ross is not far behind and only George bush make a feeble attempt to uphold a standard worth thinking about. It's understandable why Clinton is the way that he is since one look at his wife and the way she acts tells it all. H. Ross Perot has not really sent much of a reason for his stance, but it appears political to this writer. George equally shows a political motive to this writer's view, but at least he has not caved into the nonsense of a woman's right to control her own body or exercise so called "choice" as if there were no other life involved. If leaders are to take this kind of wimp stand, then a powerful role model has been lost to the children. 6. There was a time when TV and the movies would show men as actors in the real sense. Now they are relegated to secondary supportive and nauseating roles of either the pig who must be corrected or the sensitive husband/lover who has nothing more to do than ensure that he is serving the best interest of the woman. Garbage! This relentless assault on the male ethos is grinding men and boys into a kind of oblivion where they cannot feel confident in their own identities and turn into apologetic excuses for males who are dominated by guilt and just maybe from time to time a sexual favor from women. No thanks Hollywood; yes, I'll respect and treat women as real human beings, but don't expect me to buy your crap about how anything I do or expect as a male is somehow oppressing women. 7. Our schools used to teach academics and uphold many women and men as good teachers and nurturing adults for children. Now we get lectures on sexism, racism, and the host of other social agenda's foisted upon us by the Establishment of politically correct thinkers. Again, the children are being reshaped into sexless and valueless followers of a social order bound to rob men and women alike of their own human and physical realities. 8. There was a time when government would stay the hell out of our personal lives. No more! While government ought well to seek to stop violence against women and children, it can and seems to be moving more in the direction of enforcing social values of womens interests groups that in many cases have gone far beyond legitimate protection to sticking their noses in our business. 9. Men have always enjoyed looking at and even lusting over pictures of naked and sexual women! Why not! God made us that way. Now we get a load of crap about lowering the status of women. Bull! Women are sex objects in the positive sense. If they were not, then the point would not exist. This hardly means that men are going to rape and seek after women at every turn, but let's face the reality that a sexy body turns men on and thank God that it still does. Women and men who find this offensive should think about their own bodies and sexuality and maybe start enjoying them. No, women are still very valuable both as people and as a lusty view of real hot sex. It's the extremes that get us in trouble! ***** Perhaps the worst evidence of our deterioration is the ways in which the sublimated male ego has found to retaliate. the violence against women on the increase is both sickening and must be stopped. Nobody condones rape or battering. Nobody suggest that any women should be forced to perform acts against her nature or dignity as a human being or in the true sense of the word, as a woman. On the other hand, it appears to this writer that much of the anti-social behavior of the current day has much to do with the attempts of social engineers to civilize people beyond their natures. In short, the earlier socially acceptable roles of men and women are being replaced with models that cannot allow natural behaviors to be displayed and they get acted out by some in perverse and horrid ways. clearly, nobody is suggesting that sublimated behaviors to perverse actions is excusable, but do not expect things to get much better until we understand and honor the proper roles of men and women. ***** In conclusion, there are ways to address rebuilding America without sacrificing the male drive and the female nurturing that has made the country great. They are simply to reinforce respect for men as the natural leaders and protectors of the nation and to honor women as mothers, sisters, daughters, nurturers and yes, sexual partners who are as necessary to a healthy society as every male. our mistake has been to allow feminist doctrine to distort our basic reality and thus turn us to a course of slow disintegration. Reversing it only takes the male to say as a class, enough is enough! No government, no court, no national organization of women can change it; only men who have given up on themselves as men have allowed it!