Fellow BBS'ers . . . We have an opportunity to create an information and communication system that will change the course of human history: an extension of our current BBS system that will provide each of us - as individuals - with virtually unlimited power . . . As you read this, keep in mind that the world that we knew, or thought we knew, is no longer the reality of today! Things are rapidly changing! Life is growing larger and more complex, and seemingly, more ambiguous. It's as if it were flying away from us at light speeds! There is an incredible transition occurring within all the industrialized countries of the world. We are witnessing the breakdown of our primary social systems. The basic tenets and ideals of our great institutions no longer sustain and nurture us! Everywhere there is stress and strife. We must do something about this ourselves! We, as individuals, must take responsibility. We can no longer leave it up to those who say they are our leaders, our politicians, our educators. We can no longer leave it up to the supranational corporations, the world banking and insurance companies, and the lawyers and judges . . . rather, we must all work together on this most critical of problems. Because we all need "good" information in order to make "good" decisions, we must give ourselves a tool that will act as our PERSONAL GUIDE, enabling us to spontaneously satisfy our need to know, and to communicate, and to discover for ourselves what life is! Imagine having spontaneous free access to what other people know! Imagine being able to communicate with people who can help you satisfy your needs, simply by describing what they are. It is possible for us to modify the current BBS system in order to give ourselves this kind of facility TODAY! It will not require us to extend the current state-of-the-art, nor to raise huge amounts of capital (further indenturing ourselves and our children into the future). Its only requirement will be that we collaborate in its development and operation. It must be a system for the people, by the people! TABLE OF CONTENTS OUR CURRENT INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM............... 3 CREATING A PEOPLE NETWORK...................................... 4 PPLWARE: Software for People................................... 5 REGIONAL SWITCHING HUBS........................................ 9 DEVELOPMENT SHAREWARE DEVELOPERS......................................10 SYSOPS....................................................11 USERS.....................................................11 PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED AND ELDERLY.........................12 THE PEOPLE NETWORK FOUNDATION.............................12 BETA TESTING..............................................13 MARKETING, ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION......................13 COVERING THE EXPENSES OF DEVELOPMENT DONATIONS.................................................15 SOFTWARE ROYALTIES........................................15 COVERING THE SYSTEM'S OPERATING EXPENSES.......................17 PEOPLE NETWORK'S STORY.........................................18 OUR CURRENT INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Today, information - in the form of KNOW HOW - is humanity's most important and therefore its most expensive product. Typically, in the world of big governments, special interest groups and supranational corporations, the more critical the information is - the more expensive it becomes. In stark contrast - every day, massive amounts of valuable information pass between the individual users of Bulletin Boards - without any accompanying exchanges of money. More often than not, the givers and receivers do not even know each other. Moreover, the acts of BBS Systems Operators, who are "hobbyists," of paying for their own system's operational and maintenance costs and, for the most part, of not charging their users for the storage and communication services they receive in conjunction with the data they exchange - virtually eliminates "user inhibition." The operation of the BBS system, whose number of participants continues to grow, proves that a universal, FREE information communication system is possible. Potentially, all the up-to-the-moment information, known by all people, could be incorporated into a single system and made accessible to its individual users. Unfortunately for all of us, the incredible potential of such a system is not generally known, nor understood. Today, there are more than 50 million people in the United States that have the primary necessary equipment to access BBSs and other "modem-accessible" services in their homes - yet there are only a few million people that currently use BBSs, and even less that use commercial services on a regular basis, such as Prodigy. (Prodigy is simply a big BBS that charges both Communication and Use costs!) The reason that commercial on-line services are still used as little as they are, relates to the public's perception of their value and "ease of use." As yet, none have demonstrated a "power and facility" so obviously superior to existing methods, and a "cost factor" so sufficiently less, that they have become universal standards. And while the "non-commercial" BBS system DOES provide an incredible amount of facility, at virtually no cost, its lack of commercial intent precludes its mass promotion - and as a result, the greater number of U.S. computer owners and users continue to remain ignorant of it. Moreover, its lack of standards further inhibits its generalized use: there is no ONE, immediately-easy-to-use "front-end" software system that makes the system's full potential available, i.e., the collective information power of its thousands of individual BBSs, each with their own themes, shareware programs, user-groups, etc. 3 CREATING A PEOPLE NETWORK Imagine if we were to create a network - like the BBS, but with a common theme: the free communication of knowledge and thoughts. Most of the questions that you and I have, or for that matter, that our societies have, have already been asked and answered by one or more people, at one time or another. In principle, our critical problems have already been solved. And, furthermore, most of what we have collectively learned throughout history lies within the memories of people who are living today. In order for each of us to share in this incredible, collective knowledge, it would only be necessary to link ourselves together. Imagine a single system comprised of thousands of individual "information hobby networks," each one representing a unique subject-of-interest: A program similar to a BBS program would enable any personal computer user to establish a "local" link to a network representing a subject they have an on-going interest in. Other users within the toll free dialing radius of this "Network Hub," could then become its Members, and discuss its subject's PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE with other local and long-distant members - via Chat and Forum capabilities and through the uploading and downloading of datafiles. In cases where no network yet exists for a particular subject, users could begin one through the creation of an "original Hub" - which others could then join. Through the facility of an incredibly easy to use personal information communication program, any personal computer user would be able to regularly communicate with people who share their "specific" interests (local Hubs) . . . and also, direct spontaneous "general" questions and areas-of-need to other networks within the system with members capable of satisfying them. A great number of Hub Operators could be Physically Challenged and elderly and retired people. The "social action" generated by a Hub, and its essential contribution to the collective system, would provide members of these currently-underutilized and under appreciated groups, with a new lease on life - while providing all of us with an entirely new and wonderful resource. DEVELOPING THE SOFTWARE . . . The designers of currently-popular Shareware programs could collaborate in the development of the necessary software. A BBS program could be easily modified for a Hub's requirements. The user program should enable novices and children alike to immediately and effectively use the system's capabilities. In order to enable the greatest number of people to participate, all popular operating systems would have to be supported. 4 PPLWARE: Software for People Picture yourself sitting in front of your personal computer. You turn it on; the following data appears on your screen . . . _________________________________________________________________ 8:03 AM FRIDAY APRIL 9, 1993 Good Morning Brett, You have three messages; none are Urgent. Contacts are scheduled at 2:00 P.M and 5:30 P.M. Today is Meghan's Birthday! F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F0 HELP PERS DIARY WORD/ MATH/ FILES COMM Q P O/O MSGS & THOUGHTFINANCE & P CLNDR PROCESSPROCESS A L ** Press any FUNCTION KEY _________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Your system is immediately-usable - even if you have NEVER used a computer! There are no manuals or instructions to read. Ten functions (F1 - F10) are ALWAYS available for your use . . . F1: HELP is sensitive to the immediate context, which means you can never be LOST without the ability to get instant help pertaining to your present situation. F2 THROUGH F6 ARE YOUR PERSONAL ORGANIZATION TOOLS . . . F2: PERSONAL MESSAGES All your incoming messages are stored here. You can look at them, or save them to your F6 Files Section, where you can perform any of the system's many functions on their data (i.e., word processing, finance processing, etc.) F3: DIARY AND CALENDAR A perpetual Calendar and Diary help you to keep track of people, places and things. You can immediately go to any date, from a hundred years in the past to a hundred in the future, and post comments or entire documents, using the system's word processing and calculating functions. Periodic information wiil be displayed on the opening screen about the important dates, appointments and deadlines that you have previously entered. Each time you access the system you will be greeted with updated data: (e.g., Meghan's Birthday is in one week; tomorrow; today, etc.). This function will provide a Free Form Database, that will enable you to store and retrieve "random thoughts" - and other material you have no special place for. 5 F4: WORD AND THOUGHT PROCESSORS A Thought Processor enables you to position your THOUGHTS on the screen in a hierarchical format, and easily change their positions in relation to one another as you consider their relative values. A Word Processor enables you to write notes, letters and entire documents, and edit what you have written. Together, they help you to produce an understand- able question or request, which can then be put to the USERBASE. (See THE Q & A PROCESS and PPL MODE ahead.) F5: MATH AND FINANCE PROCESSORS A Personal Finance Program enables you to keep track of your financial matters (budget, checking account, investments, personal income taxes, financial statements and balance sheets, etc.) Included, are multi-purpose calculators and equation solvers for business, amortization, statistical, and calculus problems. Your program enables you to ask 'WHAT IF' QUESTIONS, i.e., "What if I pay off the loan on my car, or house; how does that affect my cash flow; my bottom line, etc." F6: FILES All your files are kept here! Through KEYWORD AND HYPERTEXT UTILITIES (see GLOSSARY), you will be able to find a file instantly; even a word or phrase within a file . . . and, 1) display it on the screen, 2) manipulate its data with word and financial processing programs, 3) check its spelling, 4) look up word meanings with its Dictionary, 5) find replacement words with its Thesaurus, 6) cause it to be sent to someone via the telephone, or 7) activate it - if it is a separate computer program, such as Lotus 123. You will be able to perform any of the functions needed for normal FILE HANDLING, such as moving, deleting, combining, saving, sending, etc. F7: COMMUNICATION (DIRECT COMMUNICATION FACILITY) You can communicate directly with any modem-accessible entity, i.e., other computer users, companies, on-line databases, BBSs, etc. (A PPLWARE "FORM" is available to input their pertinent data.) You can initiate or receive communication spontaneously, or instruct your system to do so in the future through preprogrammed instructions; which data will be sent by the system at the least- expensive, least-systems-intensive time, i.e., at night, after you are asleep and general voice traffic is at a minimum. F8 AND F9 ARE YOUR DYNAMIC CONNECTIONS TO "PPLNET" - TELEPHONE USERS PAY NO ADDITIONAL "USE" OR "COMMUNICATION" COSTS) Once you have established relations with a person through an F8 or F9 process, your PPLWARE will automatically store the pertinent communication data in your FILES SECTION, and you will be able to communicate with them at a later date by typing only part of their TELEPHONE NUMBER, or all or part of their NAME, etc., via keyword capabilities. 6 F8: QUESTIONS You can ask "unlimited" questions! Once you have formulated a question with your word processor, or imported an already-prepared one from another source, and categorized it with the help of your system, a single keystroke will cause it to be electronically-transferred to the People Network; where it will then be directed to someone who has expressed both the desire and the ability to answer it. Once they have completed their answer to you, it will be returned to your F2 Personal Message Section; and you will be notified the next time you access your system (as illustrated on the "opening screen.") If there is no one within the network, to answer your question, you will receive instruc- tions on "How to start your own Network Hub." F8: ANSWERS (for potential Hub Operators and Members) If you consider yourself an expert in a particular subject or, at minimum, have an on-going interest in one, and you are willing to share your facts and empirical evidence with others, you can begin your own Hub by automatically downloading the necessary Hub Software. This function will enable you to become a member of one or more Hubs within your local toll free dialing radius that are already handling subjects you are interested in. and communicate with its network's members through Chat and Forum Modes. You will be able to join live forums where "local" people are currently submitting data in written form via their keyboards concerning a subject that is of interest to you! You can browse through the previous comments others have made or you can give your own views and see what others have to say about them; or you can initiate your own forum. It will also enable you to automatically upload and download data files to and from any of the Hub's several categorical sections. (Each Hub is connected to all other Hubs representing the same subject, enabling you to access the "unique" points-of-view within the entire system.) F9: PPL (people) The REQUEST MODE enables you to state a specific area of need, which request will then be communicated to people throughout the network whose interests are consistent with its fulfillment. F10: OTHER OPTIONS You can access any software program you use on a regular basis or add any programs that you think might further enhance your ability to keep track of things, describe things, present ideas, or gain knowledge, etc., e.g., Graphics, Desktop Publishing, Spreadsheets, Games, Music, Learning Programs, static KnowledgeBases, Encyclopedias, etc. The number of programs you can add are only dependent upon your diskdrive's capacity! 7 The system would operate something like this for the user . . . THE "Q" OF THE Q & A PROCESS Once you have formulated a question and categorized it with the assistance of your PPLWARE, a file will be created for it. Your system will then determine from its automatically-updated- database, whether there is a Hub that covers its subject: first, from within your local, toll free dialing area, and subsequently, from within your area code. If there is, it will telecommunicate your file to that Hub as soon as it has an open line (or other prearranged time); or if there is NO Hub available at the local level, it will continue to dial-up local Hubs, until one is reached (has an open line), and then upload the file to that Hub. If your file has been sent to a local Hub that covers its subject, it will, in turn, upload it to one of its Members; who will create an answer to it (in text, charts, pictures) or choose an already-prepared answer - if one is appropriate; then send it to its Hub; where it will be telecommunicated to your F2 Personal Message Section, and you will be notified the next time you view your opening screen. If your file has been uploaded to a random Hub, because there is no one that handles its subject at the local level, it will be filed with other locally-unanswerable questions and then uploaded to a Regional Switching Hub (see RSHs ahead.) You can repeat this process as many times as you like and receive answers to the same question from many people. THE PPL MODE If you wish to communicate a need or desire to a number of people, rather than one person at a time, you can formulate your statement just as you would a single question - categorize it with the help of your PPLWARE - and then send it. Your PPLWARE will upload its File to any local Hub capable of receiving it (one that has an open line), where it will then be uploaded to a Regional Switching Hub. The RSH will then distribute your file to one or more Hubs that have Members capable of satisfying it, or telecommunicate it to another Regional Switching Network that has Hubs which ARE capable. Note: Some examples of the needs which can be satisfied in this manner are the selling or buying personal items, or the locating of potential collaborators . . . or jobs, etc. 8 PPL FORUM MODE Hubs will provide Forums on their subjects; dividing them into specific categories of interest, e.g., the "past," "present" and "future," etc. They will also provide Forums on other subjects, as well, e.g., regional and current interest subjects. Your PPLWARE'S database will keep an automatically-updated list of all FORUMS being offered by Hubs within your toll free dialing radius. When you wish to join one, it will connect you if there is an open line, or it will continue to dial-up the Hub, until it connects, and then notify you with an audio/video signal. REGIONAL SWITCHING HUBS (RSHS) The need for gateways in nature is evident. As example, the human body's interneurons act as storage and switching devices between its motor neurons and its sensory neurons, enabling them to work in harmony. In order to empower the People Network with abilities similar to the human brain (which enables thought without restriction) the individual PC User will be given unlimited, universal access to the entire network through its Regional Switching Hubs Network. Initially, RSHs will be located in various high-density population areas within the system's geographic boundaries; eventually, all Hubs within the telephone system's "toll free dialing radiuses" will be connected to individual RSHs. RSHs will receive, store, and transfer data over local and long distance lines, to and from their own local Hubs, other RSHs, and the People Network Foundation. (See Foundation on Page 17.) Once an RSH has received an uploaded-question from one of its Hubs, it will determine whether there is a network or "unique" Hub within the system, capable of answering it; if there is, it will batch-transfer it with other similar questions to the RSH that serves that particular Network or Hub. That RSH will then transfer it to the appropriate Hub, where your question will be fielded by the Hub's Operator or one of its Members. The answer will then be sent back through the network to your F2 Personal Message Section. If there is NO Hub capable of answering your question at the national level, your RSH will instruct one of your local Hubs to upload instructions to your F2 Personal Message Section on "How to become a Hub and receive Hub System Software." In this manner, the number of Hubs covering unique subjects-of-interest will continue to grow! An RSH could be an extension of a Hub operation. Both could be accommodated within a personal residence, given the ability to bring in sufficient telephone lines or other communication links. As Hubs and RSHs will be mostly automated, a small contingent of sysops could handle both operations. (Covering expenses, Page 17) 9 DEVELOPMENT For all intents and purposes, this letter represents the beginning of the "volunteer" development of the People Network in the United States. To date, all attempts at raising capital from U.S. Foundations for the purposes of development have met with failure ($2 Million requested in mid-91). Moreover, requests for collaboration and support from physically challenged and elderly and retired organizations in the United States have also met with failure. The suspected reasoning for this lack of commitment is indicated in the People Network Story at the end of this section. SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS: Software is our primary immediate concern. If you have developed software which can be modified to accommodate People Network activity, or know someone that has, please contact us 619-488- 5757. Hub Software . . . As we have mentioned, BBS systems perform most of the functions that will be needed for a Hub's operation, and it is likely that existing systems, such as RBBS (a free system) - as example, can be easily modified to accommodate. Within the next few days, we will send letters directly to the developers of the following programs for their consideration: Spitfire 3.0 RBBS-PC 7.3 PCBoard 4.5 TBBS 2.5 The Major BBS 5.3 Falken 6.3 Wildcat 3.0 Sapphire 4.0 Searchlight 2.25 Oracomm-Plus 7 and Oracomm 5.M.6P User software . . . The development of the front-end user software will most likely require the joint effort of developers of single-use programs, such as standalone word processors - although it is possible that a multi-use program, providing the functions of word processing, file handling, database and communications (as example), could be modified. As of the date of this letter, we are looking for one or two people to coordinate this effort. If you are one of these people or know someone who might be interested, please call us directly at 619-488-5757. 10 SYSOPS: If you are a Sysop, you can become involved in any of the following ways: 1. You can institute a People Network BBS in your area which will be dedicated to providing information about the People Network and its development, or you can provide a "door" for this purpose. Note: It is most important that someone take this position in San Diego immediately! If you are interested, please call us at 619-488-5757 2. If you are from the San Diego-Los Angeles area, you can give your advance agreement to become one of the "beta test" Systems Operators, which test will occur once the software development is complete. 3. You also can agree, in advance, to becoming a Hub Operator for a particular subject-of- interest in your area, once the network becomes operational. 4. You can make this letter available to your general userbase and post your personal recommendations for reading it! 5. You can upload this letter to others you know within the BBS system. 6. You can become a member of the People Network Foundation once it is formed. USERS: All Users can participate in similar ways. If you are from the San Diego area and have been thinking about operating your own BBS, you could become the People Network's BBS, which will act as our National Information and Coordination Headquarters. If you are interested, call us at 619-488-5757. You can agree to become our network's BBS sysop in YOUR area. (First requests will be honored.) If someone from your toll free dialing area has already agreed to become our BBS sysop for that area, you can still agree to become a Hub Operator for a specific subject in your area once the system becomes operational. Your advance commitment will help to insure that the initial users of the People Network will have a wide variety of subject matter at their disposal from the system's very inception. 11 PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED, ELDERLY: If you are physically challenged or elderly and you already use a personal computer, especially if you are a BBS user or sysop, or a user of a commercial service such as Prodigy or CompuServe, please consider becoming part of the People Network's development right away! (See the People Network Foundation following) If you do not already have a personal computer and a modem, consider getting one. Today, the price for a new "pplnet usable machine" is under $500, and prices are dropping rapidly. A used machine, such as my Sharp Laptop with a built-in modem, cost just $200. You can get by with one of the older, slower machines that use 8088 or 80286 chips, as example, as "processing power" is not the primary requirement. Building the Networks and their Hubs . . . The more unique subjects that our People Network covers to begin with, the better it will be for all those that use it from the very beginning. If you are confined to your home or spend a considerable amount of your time there, please consider giving your commitment to becoming a Hub Sysop in your area. As a Sysop, you will be able to realize new social relationships that would not otherwise be possible; dozens, perhaps hundreds of people within your local area that share your particular "information hobbies" - and "tens of thousands" in other areas. THE PEOPLE NETWORK FOUNDATION: We shall create a People Network Foundation as soon as funds are available. (Seed capital is needed! If you have the capability, please call us at 619-488-5757.) Note: A proposal for developing a national network within one year is available to those of you who are capable of developing funding. Previous funding efforts are indicated in People Network's Story, following this section. The attainment of non-profit status will enable us to raise funds for developmental expenses, such as communication, transportation and advertisement, as well as those funds that will be necessary to maintain a national headquarters. If you have an interest in becoming a founding member, please call us. 12 People Network Foundation responsibilities . . . The Foundation will coordinate the Network's development through "volunteer forces" within the Regional Switching Areas it initially develops, which will include, but not be limited to all the "high population density areas" within the United States. It will instigate the development of certain Networks, representing subjects of "common interest," through the establishment of Hubs representing those subjects in each of the initial regional areas. It will coordinate the development of the software, and operate a Beta Test once it is complete. Once the system is operational, the Foundation will consistently query the entire userbase through its Regional Switching Hubs. (See Covering the System's Operating Expenses on Page 17.) It will generally promote the continuing development of unique information networks. It will consistently improve upon the system's state-of-the-art, i.e., its software and hardware capabilities, and whenever possible, provide newer, improved versions of user software to the userbase. It will generally promote the People Network worldwide and help to add new areas to the network when possible. 13 BETA TESTING In order to test the operation of the Hub Software, User Software and Regional Switching Software, once its development is complete, two Regional Switching Areas with a minimum of twenty individual Hubs per area will be involved in a test. Prior to commencement, a poll will be taken among BBS Sysops and Users in order to determine the type of Hubs that would be most desirable, i.e., those whose services would be of frequent need to the greatest number of people; an example would be Technology Hubs, covering the "latest" and the "least-expensive" equipment. Hub Software will be given to expert volunteers, primarily BBS SYSOPS, and several thousand copies of PPLWARE to BBS Users. Note: Southern California has the largest number of BBSs in the United States, and a correspondingly-large number of users. MARKETING, ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION As funds are available, the Foundation will place advertisements in strategic publications around the country in order to begin exposing current computer users to the system's simplicity and its potential power for the individual. Concurrent with its Beta Test in California, the Foundation will begin promoting "PPLNET'S COMING ARRIVAL" through television, newspapers and magazines; Promotion will be slated for introduction through: * Talk Shows: The Tonight Show, Good Morning America, etc. * Magazine Interviews: Time, T.V. Guide, Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, People,etc. * Newspaper Editorials: Regional Newspapers. As PPLNET represents a new and unique, free public service (REAL NEWS!), it should be continually talked about during its development stage. 14 COVERING THE EXPENSES OF DEVELOPMENT If the Foundation were to ask for donations from the public, and for the money received, provide a copy of PPLWARE, it would be possible to remunerate those who develop the software, operate a beta test, and generally provide for all other expenses: Donations . . . Let us assume that a copy of PPLWARE was given to each person donating $25.00; and a Communication Package given to each person donating $10.00. (Communication Packages with just the F7, F8 and F9 Functions will be developed to run on one floppy drive; for those without harddrive capabilities). First . . . let us assume that 5% of the estimated 25 million homes in the United States with PCs - or 3.75 million homes - will be our more-or-less-ideal-market, i.e., those with PC's and harddrives that will be able to take advantage of PPLWARE'S complete capabilities. We will assume that 20% of these will respond to our initial marketing campaign; a total of 750,000 homes contributing $25.00 per; a total of $18,750,000 Second . . . we will assume that of the remaining 21,250,000 homes that have PC's without hard drives (85% of the total), that 10%, or 2,125,000 homes, will wish to receive the Communication Package and will therefore contribute $10.00 per; a total of $21,250,000 Total Estimated Contributions for User Software: $40,000,000 Software Royalties: Giving Shareware Developers a royalty fee of perhaps $1.00 for each program eventually sold: the Full Package, containing five separate programs (communications, word processing, finance processing, databases and file handling, would provide a $5.00 Royalty for each package sold; and the separate Communication Package, containing but a single program, would provide a $1.00 Royalty for each package sold. If the estimates on the following page were to prove accurate, software developers could realize almost $6,000,000 15 Estimated Software expenses, royalties, foundation share . . . HARDCOSTS: (Advertising, manufacturing, handling, postage and miscellany): A. FULL PACKAGE ($5.00 Total) Telecommunication Handling: $5.00 (5) Disks (Mfg., Packaging & Copying): $5.00 Postage: $3.00 Misc. Handling: $2.00 750,000 x $15.00 = $10,875,000 B. COMM PACKAGE ($7.50 Total) Telecommunication Handling: $5.00 (1) Disk (Mfg., Packaging & Copying): $1.00 Postage: $1.00 Misc. Handling: $ .50 2,125,000 x $7.50 = $15,958,750 ----------- TOTAL HARD COSTS $26,833,750 ROYALTIES: A. FULL PACKAGE 750,000 x $5.00 = $ 3,750,000 B. COMM PACKAGE 2,125,000 x $1.00 = $ 2,125,000 ----------- TOTAL ROYALTIES $ 5,825,000 ----------- TOTAL HARD COSTS AND ROYALTIES $32,658,750 (Estimated Contributions re: User Software $40,000,000) Initial Net Revenue to Foundation $ 7,341,250 16 COVERING THE SYSTEM'S OPERATING EXPENSES The expenses of individual Hub operations will be borne by their Systems Operators, and to some extent by their memberships, who might, for example, contribute to a general fund for all sysops within their toll free dialing radiuses. Regional Switching Hubs, on the other hand, not having the advantage of providing a "social" as well as a technical function (being only "switches"), will need to be subsidized. Once operational, an RSH's need to maintain a consistent exchange of large amounts of data with its own Hubs and other RSHs, will require substantial use of both local and long-distance lines, which, in the case of long distance calls - even at the lowest- possible rates - will carry a high expense. They will require electricity (though minimal), and equipment maintenance and replacement, and sufficient space to house their equipment and contingent of SYSOPS - which could be one or several people. Selling compiled data to groups whose economic interests rely on information could accomplish this: The Foundation will query the entire database concerning subjects that are of continuing critical interest to all of us - such as the environment, starvation and poverty, etc., and will also query those of us within specific areas affected by localized issues and problems . . . which collective data can be compiled and SOLD to governments and corporations - as it will no doubt be of critical interest to their continuing operation and maintenance. 17 PEOPLE NETWORK'S STORY The idea of a people network began more than twelve years ago, before the PC Revolution, when most of us who were thinking about computers, were still thinking about the "potential" of the minis and main-frames. In 1980, I and a few others, interested in providing mankind with a valuable system using computer technology, designed a system for re-distributing resources. It was initially called Telesel, and later renamed AdBank. Its purpose was to enable people to advertise their used-but-still-usable goods at the national level - without the inhibition of cost (which was to have been only $1.00 to list "any item" until it was sold). A combination telephone, CRT and 300 Baud modem, made in France for under $100.00, was to have been its users' input-output device, and numerous IBM System 38s were to handle its storage and switching requirements. In order to justify the cost of its development, which was significant, we added the ability for commercial establishments, such as banks and department stores, to use the system to "interact" with their customers; a precursor to "home banking" and The Home Shopping Network, etc. While many were fascinated with its potential, its start-up and opportunity costs were more than any of those we approached were willing to commit - and AdBank was never to be. After two years of attempting to develop sufficient funding we ceased our efforts. For several years thereafter, I was involved with projects outside the communications area, and it was not until mid-1989 that I first began to become interested again. In June of that year, I had my first opportunity to connect to a Bulletin Board. Trying to get information about the BBS in those days was a grueling experience. Once I finally connected, however, after a few modem and "incompatibility" problems, I poised a rather obscure question I had been thinking about to the general user base of a San Diego board. Not knowing WHO to ask, or even HOW to ask, I put my question to WHOMEVER, in the best way I was able - not really expecting an answer. On the following day, to my amazement, I received one. "Where in the world would I have gotten the answer to that question," I asked myself. If I wanted to pay for it, I wouldn't have known WHO to pay. Then, all of a sudden, there it was - for nothing! And my benefactor had also left me his voice number so that I could call him for more information. 18 On that day, I saw a People Network working all over the world! People asking questions, and others who "eat, sleep and breathe" their subjects, answering them. No money involved. Often, the people not even knowing each other! The fact that there IS a BBS System, has confirmed what I set out to prove years earlier: that people are willing to share their valuable information with each other - as opposed to always "selling it" - and that they enjoy communicating with each other when their mutual interests are being served. The "inexpensive power" of the personal computer has made the difference. The facility of millions of getting-cheaper-and-more- powerful-by-the-day personal computers - each acting as an individual storage and switching device, has made the communication of information so much easier and less inhibiting than what could be provided by the older, "centralized" mini- and main frame systems. In 1991, more than two years after I began formulating a plan to develop an initial People Network in the United States, I presented my idea to more than twenty of our country's leading foundations for funding. (The plan at that time was very much as you have seen it here.) The Ford Foundation's "opening statement" in their booklet of current interests of 1990-91, was as follows: "The Ford Foundation is a private philanthropic institution dedicated to international peace and to advancing the well-being of people throughout the world." Not one of the foundations I approached was interested. This only helped to confirm what I had already suspected, however. No organization whose very existence relies on the buying and selling of critical information - our governments, big business, banks, insurance companies, lawyers, etc. - the system that these foundations support - would have any interest in helping to create another system that would enable US, the individual workers of the world, to have unlimited amounts of free information at our fingertips. The creation of such a system would necessarily result in their own demise. If we were to all come to know what they know, there would be no reason for us to continue to pay so dearly for their services - which, even today, more and more, we are finding to be less than beneficial to us. (Who among us does NOT THINK that a tremendous amount of our resources have been wasted by these organizations for the benefit of only a few?) Did you ever stop to think that most of the questions we have, as individuals, might have already been answered by someone else; that the solutions to mankind's greatest problems may already lie 19 within the "whole.?" Scientists have proven that there is enough for everyone; that it is simply a matter of properly distributing our collective resources and taking full-advantage of our exponentially increasing knowledgebase. Today, our technologies continue to provide us "more with less." Bucky Fuller, one of our most famous engineer-scientists said, that theoretically, someday soon we should have "everything with nothing." The point is, that it is only our "legal" GROUPS (corporations, governments, etc.) and the relative few that actually benefit from them, that perpetuate the present system - where massive numbers of us must consistently compete with each other for the earth's ever-dwindling resources (its oil, etc.) - which competition has invariably been responsible for our division, conflict and war throughout history. They allow this to continue in spite of the fact that modern science has proven that proper use of existing resources and advancing technology can provide all that humanity needs; no more starvation, no poverty, no mass sicknesses! INDIVIDUALS, on the other hand, irrespective of their parent ideologies, seem to be able to work hand in hand with each other on projects that are meaningful to them. And to even become friends. As it appears that the needs of GROUPS are now invariably at odds with the needs of the greater number of INDIVIDUALS on earth, I assume that no group will fund a People Network. If we want one, we will have to give it to ourselves. Please Help. Brett Hardcastle September 1991 20