Solutions * A "Citizen Network" talk-TV channel free to all cable companies. Anyone could phone in and discuss solutions. It will be modelled after C-SPAN call-in programs, where there is a guest and a host for each segment. It will be a 24-hour 365-day LIVE TV talk show! * A 10-cent per gallon gasoline tax to be equitably distributed to individuals who file for a rebate after they purchase an approved alternative energy vehicle (solar, methane, propane, etc.) or convert an existing vehicle to use approved alternative fuels. * A national computer network with terminals in every public library. It would be used to electronically "conference" for solutions, like a town hall meeting, but without the physical limitations. It could be used to distribute educational programs, government data bases (such as SCORPIO) and information on pending legislation. Individuals who wanted to use it from home could obtain a commercial account; library usage could be free and anonymous. * A citizen polling network using touch-tone telephones to enable every citizen to directly register their approval or disapproval for pending legislation. Passwords would be used to ensure one vote per person. Only registered voters could get passwords. * A tax deduction for every citizen who purchases a home computer, up to 10 percent of the total cost, or $100, whichever is less. Make "computer literacy" a national goal for future prosperity. * Federal grants to public schools which institute academic excellence awards. Encourage schools to honor those who excel in learning, rather than sports and popularity. Put the names of students who excel in a national data base registry and guarantee them priority consideration for government jobs when they graduate high school. Honor five percent of all students in each school year, with awards granted on a weekly basis. Encourage teachers, students and administrators to nominate students and to make decisions using a consensus process. Make it "cool" to be an academic achiever. * Create a single-payer national health care system where every citizen has a health care card with a computerized history of their health problems, treatments, and results. Through such a centralized system we could vastly improve our health care by finding out what works and what doesn't. Doctors would be paid a salary based on their efficacy and experience, rather than on how many unnecessary tests, drugs, and medical procedures they prescribe. Insurance would be unnecessary. Treatments which do NOT work would be abandoned. Alternative treatments which DO work would become accepted. Regular checkups would be encouraged to provide for a more accurate data base to increase understanding of how diseases progress and to catch them early on. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Computer-assisted diagnosis would improve as the medical data base increased in size and quality. * Transfer our national debt ( 4 trillion dollars ) to the countries of the former Soviet Union at the rate of $300 billion dollars per year, giving an equal amount of U.S. dollars so that these countries will accept the debt. This new money will not be borrowed, but simply created. The condition of the loans will be that one-third ($100 billion per year) will be used to purchase goods and services from the United States. This will revive our economy, remove the debt from the shoulders of our children, and will NOT create massive inflation since the money is NOT going directly into our society. These new "loans" to the countries of the Soviet Union will be guaranteed by the United States government. Even if they are not all paid back, the debt will merely revert to it's original owner ... the United States. The result will stabilize the political and economic future of the countries of the Soviet Union, create jobs and prosperity here in the United States, and eliminate the national debt. If you don't like this idea, then come up with a better one. But it has to tell how we will get rid of the national debt without hyper-inflation or defaulting on it! =========================================================================== For more information on these and other solutions, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Steven Moyer, P.O. Box 530, Brookline Station, MO 65619 ( Donations accepted ) ===========================================================================