The following is a report on the new PKZip v2.04C. SysOps please take note: 1/1 Email Title: pkz204c.exe Date: Sat Jan 09, 1993 00:50:13 Origin: Treasure Island BBS (California) [818-764-7032] From: Free Radio #1 @8182 VirtualNET To: All Users I came across this report on the new pkzip, wondered what you thought of it. From: Dan Adams #1 @8188 VirtualNET Re: If you plan to use PKZIP 2.40c, please read this From: Patrick Martin #0 @1:207/212 FIDOnet Re: PK bugs??? -=* FYI *=- The following bulletin regarding PKWare's new PKZ204C.EXE was posted on the New-Ware BBS, 619 450-3257 (registered) - 619 455-5226 (public), home of ArcMaster, ZipMaster and Zip Comment Editor... I thought it might be of interest here... You may want to use the new version of PKUnzip, while using the older verison (v1.10) of PKZip... I suspect we'll have a "Net" decision here shortly for those using .ZIP compression... Pat ========================================================================= -=* FYI *=- The following bulletin regarding PKWare's new PKZ204C.EXE was posted on the New-Wares BBS, 619 450-3257 (registered) - 619 455-5226 (public), home of ArcMaster, ZipMaster and Zip Comment Editor... I thought it might be of interest here... Pat ========================================================================= *--* 01-08-93 - 13:31:32 *--* PKZIP version 2.04c has been released (PKZ204C.EXE). PKWare may well have a disaster on its hands with the release of version 2.04c. The PKWare forum on CIS is full of reports of file corruption, memory allocation problems, CRC errors, disk span problems, AV problems, and more. I have tried to pull out the most significant reports and summarize them here. Reported PKZIP 2.04c bugs/problems/anomolies/caveats: Feel free to report all ZIP 2.04c problems here. 1. The Volume Label ("$") switch does not work. 2. The Norton anti-virus program will report the "Maltese Amoeba" virus when scanning PKZIP. It's a false report, not a virus. 3. If you have problems running PKZIP/UNZIP from Windows 3.1, you may have to follow the steps outlined in MANUAL.DOC to disable the DPMI detection/use. 4. Please report any corrupted files here. One user reports 60 megs worth of files destroyed due to corruption after converting ARJ to ZIP 2.04c files!!! Another user reports some corrupted files after using 2.04c on a network. 5. Be careful using the "-&f" and "-&fl" switches. The "quick format" can be a nasty trap for the unsuspecting. The quick format zeros the FAT and the directory area of a previously formatted disketted. The problem is that if a user quick formats a diskette that has bad sectors marked in the FAT, these sectors are no longer marked and DOS will eventually write over them. DOS will routinely write to a bad area on a disk but will refuse to read such areas. BEWARE! 6. If you are restoring from a multiple disk backup set, PKUNZIP will prompt you to put the next disk in the drive. It does NOT properly detect and trap the DOS "Drive not ready.." error. It will NOT detect the situation where the user places the wrong sequence diskette into the drive and will erroneously report that the ZIP file is corrupt! 7. The PKWare strategy to backup disks is flawed and dangerous. It requires that _all_ of the backup disk set be present and undamaged. If first disk is damaged, the entire backup set is lost. 8. If you use the "-rp" switch to zip files recursively and store the paths, PKZIP 2.04c will now place an entry in the ZIP file directory for EACH subdirectory recursed into that looks like this: 0 Stored 0 0% 01-07-93 09:30 00000000 --wD ONE/ Please don't ask me why. AM, AMW, and ZM will show this entry as a blank ZIP entry (sigh). 9. Lots of reports of file corruption and unexplained CRC errors. End of text