REGISTRATION FORM Name: ______________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: ____ Zip: __________ _________________________________________________________________ Registration of StopWATCH is a "LIFETIME" registration. Your registration number will be valid for future releases of StopWATCH. Notification of new releases are sent to registered users so they can have the latest release. New releases of StopWATCH can be acquired through your local ASP vendor or mailed directly from DOS-CALC. DOS-CALC is currently charging $5.00 (U.S.) to mail new releases, to cover materials and postage. _________________________________________________________________ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS OUT TO: DOS-CALC Number of copies of StopWATCH being used: ____ x $10 = $ _________ NOTE: Each copy of StopWATCH used must be registered _________________________________________________________________ Thank you for supporting shareware and StopWATCH! Your version of StopWATCH: ______ Brand of your computer: _________________________________________ Type of monitor you are using: __________________________________ Version of DOS being used: ______ Type of mouse: _____________ Please list any comments or additional features you would like to see in future releases of StopWATCH: DOS-CALC 3120 HOMESTEAD DR ERIE PA 16506