ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ BBS Å ³ AntiAd Revision History File ³ ÖÄÄÄ· ³ Ö ³ ³ º º Å º ³ ³ ÇÄÄĶ ÖÅĺ ÖÄÄ ³ The following is a list of the most ÃÅÄÄ×ÄÅÄ×Ä×þÄ×ÄÐÅÄÒÄÄÄÅ´ recent changes made to AntiAd by ³ Ó Ó ÓÅĽ ÄÄĽ ³ revision level, in reverse order. ³ Å ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1.00 - CONFIGURATION FILE CHANGE!!! The parameter CRC_DISP has been renamed to DB_DISP. If no log file was defined in the AntiAd configuration file, AntiAd would exit with a null pointer error. Fixed. Fixed a bug where if AD_ERRLEV or NO_AD_ERRLEV were set to a value greater than 100, AntiAd would beep. This did not inhibit operation, but could be annoying in the middle of the night. Optimized the code for enhanced performance. AntiAd is now a minimum of two times as fast as previous versions. 0.94á - CONFIGURATION FILE CHANGE!!! Two new configuration file options are (12-22-92) available: NO_AD_ERRLEV and AD_ERRLEV. These allow the user to define the errorlevel returned by AntiAd for increased flexibility when incorporating AntiAd into upload processing software. Refer to the documentation for more information. Changed the BBS ads database format, reducing the file size and run-time memory storage by 25%. Use the ADDBCVT.EXE utility supplied to convert your database to the new format. The command line is "ADDBCVT ulpads.db", executing the utility from the same directory as the database. Removed the hyphen from the name of the program. This is to prevent problems if the DOS switch character is reassigned to '-' from '/'. Note that if you use the environment variable for the configuration file location, it is now called "ANTIAD_CFG". Switched compilers from Borland C++ 3.1 to Microsoft C/C++ 7.0, resulting in an estimated 20% increase in speed and a slight reduction in size. 0.93á - A new command-line switch has been installed; the -L switch will (10/23/92) create a text list file containing the names of the files that are identified as BBS ads. This list file can be passed to an archiver to delete the listed files from the archive without the unpack/delete/repack sequence of events. Refer to the documentation for more information. Installed a cap on the maximize size of a file that will be checked by AntiAd. You will find that this will increase the speed of AntiAd's processing. Removed the screen-clearing code from program startup. It screwed up the display of ULP (and probably other upload processing utilities) during processing. 0.92á - Added the ability for the user to select the disposition of the BBS (10/6/92) ad file depending upon the detection method. The two parameters are CRC_DISP and KEYWORD_DISP, and the disposition options are DELETE and STORE. Refer to the documentation for complete information. A limit on the minimum number of keywords allowed to be defined has been implemented; it is currently set to 5. This means that all keyword sets must contain from 5 to 10 keywords. This was done to help prevent false file removals due to inadequate keyword planning. In order to reduce the length of the command line for AntiAd (to help ease implementation into BBS upload utilities), AntiAd will search the environment for a parameter called "ANTIAD_CFG". This environment variable can be set to the complete path and filename of your AntiAd configuration file, eliminating the need for using the -C command line parameter. Refer to the documentation. AntiAd now uses a unique name for each BBS ad it stores. Before, it used the original filename, potentially causing file overwriting. Changed the -D command switch to -P. Made more sense... 0.91á - An 'innocent' change prior to release turned out to be not so (10/2/92) innocent. If no path was passed using the '-D' parameter, then AntiAd would get lost. Fixed. (Bad programmer! Slap! Slap!) Sorry 'bout that... 0.90á - Initial public beta release. (10/1/92)