Frugal Gourmet: Weekly (released every Wednesday) ================================================= The Frugal Gorumet is a column which is divided into 5-8 seperate files. Each file contains a recipe which is co- ordinated to that weeks menu. Menus vary from ethnic dishes to other special vegetable dishes. The Frugal Gourmet is Jeff Smith and he also does a weekly TV show seen on a variety of networks. Each week we include the files plus ANSI and ASCII menus. We also have PR material available for your use. Drive It Forever: Weekly (released every Sunday) ================================================ Drive It Forever is written by Bob Sikorsky. Bob is a consultant to government and private industry. He is also an active member of the Society of Automotive Engineers. He has written many book, including the book, Drive It Forever. In his column, he talks about better ways to maintain your car. It is usally broken down into 7-9 files. Each file is a question and answer. Sometimes there is just one file which contains a specialized talk column. We also include ANSI and ASCII menus. We have PR material available for your use. Daily Horoscopes: Daily (released one week at a time) ===================================================== The daily horoscopes are done for each day by Carl Paul. Carl is the chief astrologer of a team of 30 astrologers at AstraScope, Inc., one of the major providers of astrological material in the United States. The file is available in ASCII, ANSI and both ANSI and ASCII files. Each day we include the 12 signs with their horoscope, a menu with the selections, and a file that is special to people with birthdays that fall on that day. The file is released weekly and contains files for each of the days of the week. We have some PR material available. Families Today: Weekly (released ever Sunday) ============================================= This column is written by T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. and covers everything about raising children. Brazelton also does a TV show seen on cable called "What Every Baby Knows," and has written many books along with being a contributing editor for Family Circle. Each week's column has 3-6 files, each containing a question and answer. Some weeks he writes a whole column concerning a particular subject on raising children. This file includes for ANSI and ASCII menus. We have PR material available for your use. Technology Review: 8 times a year ================================= This is an electronic version of the news stand publication. Each issue is loaded with LOTS of small and large articles covering everything on todays technology. Some of the news stories talk about the government and their involvement in technology. Each issue contains 15+ files each containing a news feature. This electronic publication contains both ANSI and ASCII menus. Christian News Net: Every two weeks =================================== This feature contains 3 main files which seperates the christian news into 3 categories. The news varies and the file is 80+K an issue. We also include ANSI and ASCII menus along with a disclaimer. Cineman Movies/Database (Tuesdays) ================================== Online! Computer Information Services has added a new feature to its current line-up of online news features for BBSs. Online! now has a contract with Cineman Syndicate, who provides service to Dow Jones New Retrieval, GEnie, MCI Information Service, US Videotel and others. This new additional will allow Online! to distribute movie reviews to BBSs and to also offer a historical database to those BBSs who wish to make this feature available to BBS users. The movie review feature is updated every week and each week contains 5+ reviews. At this time Online! has choosen Parallax's new text retrieval system, Alex, which allows the user to search in 1-2 seconds for any actor, actress, title, and other information contained within the review, for Major BBS systems. This, of course, is only an option that will be supported for those systems offering the historical database. Online! also offers the service as a weekly movie review column which may be displayed at the discretion of the Sysop. Also, within time, Online! hopes to find a door for PCBoard, Wildcat, and other BBSs of this type that will allow them to offer the historical database as well. COMING SOON: ============ Weekly Electronic TV Guide: Contains TV schedules for satellite and cable TV channels. for RIP graphics...... For more information concerning pricing and availability call: Online! Computer Information Services 703-774-6519 anytime of the day or night!!!